Several villages have sank and thousands of Iraqis have been displaced by torrential rains in the southern province of Maysan over the past two weeks.

Officials in the governorate say that the storage capacity available in the dams currently can absorb the huge amounts of water, noting that those affected by the flood of transgressors on the river basins and streams that dried up in the past.

The torrential floods coming from Iran have flooded villages and agricultural land in neighboring Iraqi provinces.

Earlier, the Agence France-Presse quoted the mayor of the village of Huwaidi in the southern province of Basra as saying that the floods flooded more than 30,000 dunums of the village's land.

The Ministry of Water Resources said that the dams of Mosul, the Kurdistan region of Iraq and Lake Thar Thar, between the provinces of Salah al-Din and Anbar were almost filled by the flow of large amounts of water from Iran and Turkey, as well as heavy rain on the country.

While authorities sought to contain the flood risk in five provinces, farmers in several areas complained of significant damage to their farms and homes.