He posted the corresponding post on his Twitter page.

“Bolton announces new“ sanctions ”against Venezuela. Read as measures of theft, confiscation, blockade and looting of resources belonging to Venezuelans, ”he wrote.

Bolton anuncia más "sanciones" a Venezuela. Léase medidas de robo, confiscación, bloqueo y saqueo de recursos que son de los venezolanos y venezolanas. Los vividores de la derecha sonríen en medio de su fra frao político. https://t.co/XNKr9AH5ef

- William Castillo B (@planwac) March 6, 2019

Earlier it was reported that Bolton threatened foreign banks with sanctions for transactions in favor of Maduro.

On March 6, US Special Representative for Venezuela, Elliot Abrams, said that Washington admits the possibility of imposing sanctions against third countries for dealing with the Venezuelan authorities.

On January 29, Vladimir Travkin, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Latin America”, assessed the introduction of US sanctions against Venezuelan oil and gas company PDVSA in an interview with NSN.