Amid disregard and disregard for international law, Western countries resorted to overt interference in Venezuela's internal affairs. They have left no doubt that they are calling for a strike. Within a few minutes of opposition leader Juan Guayadu declaring himself the interim president of Venezuela, America recognized him, followed by Canada, then the United Kingdom, France, and then right-wing governments in South America, which are in fact puppets of Western imperialist states. But Russia, China, Turkey, Cuba, Bolivia and Mexico opposed the intervention of Western countries in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, because that amounted to a violation of international law. They supported Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his strongest condemnation of the actions of Western countries, warned of the dire consequences of interfering in Venezuelan affairs. Ecuador's former president Rafael Correa warned that the United States would support military action against Venezuela. Such a move could lead to civil war.

History of the imposition of will

The United States and Western countries have a long history of imposing their will on others. The United States has long regarded Latin America as its backyard, where it can do what it wants. The Latin American countries, with the exception of Cuba, have not been independent in the true sense of the word in the last two decades. America has used natural resources for its own benefit, not for the benefit of the peoples of these countries. Whenever there is a conflict between these two interests, America does not hesitate to use force. For example, Dr. Salvador Allende, the elected Marxist president of Chile, tried to use state resources for the benefit of her people, but America did not immediately hesitate to get rid of the man by orchestrating a coup d'état by General Augusto Pinochet in 1973. Since 1975, "Condor" through which the systematic liquidation of the leftist forces in Latin American countries, and the strengthening of the right-wing dictatorships.

America has repeatedly tried to get rid of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who ruled from 1999 to 2013. Chavez has continued to improve the lives of his people, taking advantage of oil revenues. Venezuela is one of the world's most oil-producing countries. After his death, he was replaced by President Maduro as President of Venezuela. America also tried to get rid of it. But Maduro was spared all these attempts. US sanctions against Venezuela, combined with a sharp fall in oil prices, have weakened Venezuelan economy. America used the situation to blame Maduro. But this time it is the army that protects President Maduro. Another factor that makes it harder to get rid of is that Chávez has established a working-class base and armed his followers with about 100,000 Russian rifles supplied by Russia. This means that a huge bloody battle will ensue if an armed conflict erupts between Maduro supporters and Guido supporters backed by the United States. Putin warned of the disastrous consequences of such a conflict.

Armed conflict

It should be noted that the occurrence of such an armed conflict in the backyard of the United States may be the last major conflict in the American era, because whatever the outcome of this conflict, America has more to lose than Russia. If the American side loses, it may be a fatal blow to American prestige. But even if America wins this battle, its long-term consequences may be harmful. Russia will win a major victory in Europe to avenge its defeat, and will maintain its prestige and credibility. It would strike a country like Ukraine or Poland. For America, its defeat in Europe will be far worse than its victory in Latin America.

Of course, America has now been defeated in Syria, causing great damage to its prestige and influence in the Middle East. But the consequences of the war in Venezuela will be worse than the war in Syria. If Maduro survives this war, as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad did, it would be a great loss for America. Even if America succeeds in getting rid of Maduro, the damage to Russian-American relations will be enormous, possibly irreversible, and the chance of a conflict going to Europe could be very dangerous to the world. Any conflict in Europe could easily turn into a third world war.

Face arrogance

The three countries - Russia, China and India - can play an important role in countering American arrogance, which has proved to be the main risk factor for World War III. Russia can be a counterweight to America's military power, and China can balance it in terms of economic strength, while India can play the diplomatic role to create anti-war sentiment. India played a very positive role when the Suez war began. India achieved a major diplomatic victory and became a leader of the Non-Aligned Movement. It laid the foundation for a friendship between Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and then Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru. The entire Arab world began to view India as one of its best friends. India must now play a similar role to restore its credibility and prestige in the world as a true maker of peace. But India's approach to the United States has raised many questions about its traditional role.

Let us hope that all parties will exercise restraint and do not escalate the conflict to a dangerous level, to prevent the deterioration of the situation in Venezuela from the situation that has led to the civil war in Syria. Let us hope that the transition from the American era to the post-American era, that is, the multi-polar world, is peaceful.

Russia, China, and India can play an important role in confronting American arrogance.

The United States began a process called Operation Condor in 1975, in which it systematically dismantled left-wing forces in Latin American countries and strengthened right-wing dictatorships.