The President of the Republicans in the Senate Group is against the removal of the reduced rate of tax on diesel off road.

The government has included in the 2019 budget bill the abolition of the reduced rate of the non-road diesel tax. A measure that condemns Bruno Retailleau. "After the increase in fuel taxes for individuals, the government has decided not to stop there. From now on it proposes to tax the fuel used by the companies of the building and the public works ", indicates the boss of the Republicans in Vendée.

"It's a new mistake. First because it is still the same thing: add taxes to taxes while France is one of the countries that impose the most business, " continues the chairman of the LR group in the Senate.

"Secondly because the ecological pretext is even less important here than elsewhere. We do not see how the government is asking companies to replace diesel-powered construction equipment. Electric construction machines do not exist! "