Two supervisors were assaulted and wounded on Tuesday by a prisoner from the Valencia prison, including one from boiling oil, said Tuesday the union UFAP-Unsa, denouncing acts "more and more frequent".

A supervisor "severely burned". "An inmate from the central house district (attempted) to throw a full pan of boiling oil on the floor supervisor" at 10:30 am Tuesday, the union said in a statement, adding that the officer had been able to block some of his aggressor but had received the liquid "on the stomach and thighs". The prisoner then slashed the supervisor's hand, "already severely burned," with a razor blade while another guard came in as a backup and received "several punches and kicks," the same source added.

Acts "more and more frequent". The union "denounces and condemns this kind of despicable acts that are more and more frequent in our establishment" and "requires the transfer of this prisoner to a suitable institution, because in Valencia our infrastructure does not allow to manage this kind of 'ultra dangerous individual,' the statement said. "The detainee had premeditated his actions with the preparation of the saucepan of boiling oil and had put on several layers of clothing to protect himself," according to the union.

The intervention of several other agents was necessary to neutralize the aggressor and lead him to the disciplinary district. The two supervisors were transported to the hospital center of Valencia. The most severely touched goalkeeper suffers from "serious" burns without his days being in danger, told AFP the UFAP-Unsa regional leader, Sylvain Royère. Contacted by AFP, the Directorate of Prison Administration could not answer immediately.