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Donald Trump has cracked a series of furious tweets after the investigation launched by the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives. REUTERS / Carlos Barria

The American president is furious against the Democratic camp. In a series of angry tweets on Tuesday, March 5, Donald Trump castigates the investigation launched by the House Judiciary Committee, which amounts to 81 people or entities to send him various documents relating to possible crimes committed by the President and his entourage.

From our correspondent in Washington,

The president had initially reacted calmly to these requests but on Tuesday morning he was visibly angry. And the sign that does not deceive is the use of capital letters in writing his messages on Twitter. " HARASSMENT OF THE PRESIDENT ", wrote Donald Trump in capital letters .

And he adds, " Democrats have lost their heads and gone mad, they are leading the greatest abuse of power in US history ." Later in the afternoon, the president estimated that the Democrats had gone into campaign, that they had not digested their defeat of 2016. " Instead of working on bills they take care of these stories without meaning, it's a shame for the country, "he said.

The greatest overreach in the history of our country. The Dems are obstructing justice and will not get anything done. A big, fat, fishing expedition desperately in search of a crime, when in fact the real crime is what the Dems are doing, and have done!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 5, 2019

At first, however, Donald Trump had assured that he would cooperate with the House of Representatives. But the tone has clearly changed in 24 hours. A White House advisor on Tuesday called the " unprecedented and extraordinarily intrusive " the demands of the House Scrutiny Commission, which is demanding from the White House all documents related to Jared Kushner's security accreditation .

Detailed reports

Donald Trump is believed to have exceeded the guidelines of the intelligence agencies for his son-in-law to obtain this sesame. But refusing to deliver the requested documents is not without risk: the parliamentary committees have the power to subpoena the people they wish to hear, and the Democrats have threatened to use these summonses if they do not. do not get the documents they claim .

They are looking for evidence of a possible obstruction of justice, corruption and possible abuse of power by Donald Trump. Three parliamentary committees also asked the White House to provide detailed reports on the exchanges that took place between the US President and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

Complementary inquiry

The parliamentarians are also investigating the grounds of the special prosecutor Robert Mueller, who has been working for almost two years on possible Russian interference in the campaign. They believe that their investigation can be complementary and especially they want to be able to make their conclusions available to the public.

During his confirmation hearing before the Senate, the new Minister of Justice refused to commit to the publication of the full report of the prosecutor. We do not know when it will come out, but the Democrats want to be able to communicate as much as possible and the best way to do that is to have their own resources.

Towards an impeachment procedure ?

Theoretically these parliamentary inquiries can lead to impeachment proceedings , since it is the Judiciary Committee of the Chamber that has the power to initiate this procedure. If the investigators in the House find evidence of abuse of authority, or significant fraud in the documents they receive, they could very well get started. But for the moment, the Democrats are careful not to openly consider it. They know very well that this is a very risky political move.

It could put the president for a victim, rally around the Republican camp around Donald Trump and drive away the centrist electorate. It's a bit like what happened to Bill Clinton in the late 1990s. The Republicans who had launched impeachment proceedings against him had not succeeded and they had lost seats in the ensuing vote.