The icon of the American left, Bernie Sanders, could stand in the US presidential election in 2020. If he is the "best candidate to beat Donald Trump" then he will "probably candidate".

Former US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders plans to run in 2020 if he is "best placed" to beat Republican Donald Trump, he told New York Magazine. "If someone else appears who can, for one reason or another, do a better job than me then I will do everything I can to get him or her elected," says the independent senator. years, in an interview published Sunday.

But "if it turns out I'm the best candidate to beat Donald Trump, then I'll probably be a candidate," he adds. "I'm not one of those sons of multimillionaires whose parents said they would become president of the United States," said the Vermont senator. "I do not wake up in the morning with the crazy desire to be president" .

"Gather around a progressive program"

Carried by young galvanized supporters and a very left-wing program for the United States, Bernie Sanders had put Hillary Clinton in trouble during the long Democratic primaries in 2016. Some of her proposals, like a universal health system, have since been taken by several of the Democratic candidates who emerged victorious from the recent parliamentary elections.

Almost inevitable passage for US presidential candidates: Bernie Sanders just published Tuesday a new book looking to the future ( "Where we go from here: Two years in the resistance," Thomas Dunne Books)

"The bad news is that instead of moving forward together, demagogues like Trump win elections by dividing us , " he wrote in the introduction published by ABC. "Our job, for the sake of our children and grandchildren, is to gather around a progressive program , " he writes. Then conclude his introduction with a: "The struggle continues" .

Faced with Trump, many possible Democratic candidates in 2020

The Republican Donald Trump announced long ago that he would be a candidate for his succession in 2020. Opposite, the field looks busy for the Democratic primary, with already a multitude of prospective candidates.

Former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden led (26%) of his side's favorites in a Morning Consult poll in early November, followed by Bernie Sanders (19%) and Texan Beto O'Rourke (8%). Senators Elizabeth Warren (5%), Kamala Harris (4%), Cory Booker (3%) and businessman Michael Bloomberg (2%).