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A banner hanging on a fence near a migrant youth camp in Texas, near the Mexican border, January 12, 2019. "Free our children," reads. REUTERS / Jose Luis Gonzalez

In the United States, the number of migrant children separated from their parents would be much higher than the 2,700 recorded at the beginning of the summer of 2018. This is indicated in an official report.

In the spring of 2018, the Trump administration issued a "zero tolerance" policy against illegal immigration. It had led to the separation of many families and provoked an uproar even into the ranks of Republicans. The American president had finally ordered to stop it, and on June 27, a judge ordered to reunite the divided families.

Just over 2,700 children to reunite with their parents were subsequently identified by the authorities. The vast majority of them have found them well.

But according to a report by the inspector general of the Ministry of Health made public Thursday, January 17, the separation of families had begun to increase in the summer of 2017. According to its authors, " thousands of separated children " had gone through the structures dedicated to isolated foreign minors before the court decision. Since they were no longer in detention on June 28, they were never counted. Others were removed from the lists because they had been removed from a parent: a brother, a sister, an uncle, but not their mother or father.

In the absence of a centralized database, the total number of children involved in this policy remains " unknown " according to this report by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Health.

Following the release of this report, Democratic Senator Cory Booker called for the resignation of the Secretary of Homeland Security. " The deeper we dig, the worse it is, " he says, denouncing the trump administration's lie.

Not only is this a lie - today's shattering government watchdog report on family separation shows the more we dig, the worse it is. We've seen nothing but a horrifying display of cruelty and incompetence from DHS Nielsen Secretary - she needs to resign. https://t.co/oXfLiNgQuR

Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) January 18, 2019