While NGOs have lodged an appeal against the border wall, separating the United States and Mexico, the US Supreme Court has rejected this action, and thus validate the construction of the building.

The US Supreme Court on Monday (December 3rd) rejected an appeal lodged by three environmental organizations against the construction of the wall wanted by Donald Trump, along the US-Mexico border. A court decision, synonymous with victory for the American president who made this project the cornerstone of his migration policy.

The judges declared inadmissible the appeal brought by these groups against the decision of a federal judge of California to reject their claim based on the idea that the construction of the wall infringes the laws in force on the environment. The organizations behind the appeal are the Center for Biological Diversity, Animal Legal Defense Fund and Defenders of Wildlife.

Trump threatens his own administration

In their appeal, they consider that construction sites are damaging the flora and biotopes of rare animals, and that they threaten seabirds such as the snowy plover and the California goberon, but also other species such as the anostraceans (crustaceans) and the checkerboard Quino (butterfly).

President Donald Trump threatens to cause a "shutdown" (closure) of the services of his administration if congressional officials do not unlock five billion dollars (4.4 billion euros) to finance the border wall.