On Friday, 2 November, the European Union, France, Germany and the United Kingdom reaffirmed their determination to pursue the implementation of the Iranian nuclear agreement and to protect European economic actors after the decision Washington to restore sanctions against Tehran.

France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the European Union (EU) have said they "deeply regret" the reimposition of sanctions against Iran by the United States, according to a joint statement released on Friday. "Our goal is to protect European economic players who are engaged in legitimate trade with Iran," the statement added.

The 2015 Iranian Nuclear Agreement or Joint Global Action Plan (JCPOA) "is a major component of the global architecture for nuclear non-proliferation and multilateral diplomacy [...] It is essential for the security of the world. Europe, the region and the world, " continues the text.

"Maintain operational financial circuits with Iran"

"As JCPOA signatories, we are committed to working, inter alia, to maintain and maintain operational financial channels with Iran and to ensure the continuation of Iranian oil and gas exports. On these and other topics, our work continues " and " these efforts have intensified in recent weeks " write France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the European Union (EU).

Six months after slamming the door on Iran's nuclear deal, the United States confirmed Friday that it would reinstate Monday its toughest sanctions against oil and banks against Tehran, but doubts linger over this controversial "maximum pressure" campaign.