In a lawsuit filed by a US college student, Otto Wumier, who died last year after he was detained in the United States after he was detained in the North, he filed a $ 511.3 million ($ 563.3 million) The court said.

"North Korea is responsible for torture, detention, murder outside the trial, and injuries sustained by parents," Judge Veril Hahald of the US District Court in Washington DC said in a ruling yesterday (local time) AFP and the Washington Post (WP) reported that foreign media reports.

"Before leaving for a five-day group tour in North Korea, Otto Warmbeier, a third grader at the University of Virginia, was a smart, sociable student who dreams of a healthy, big dream," Judge Howell said in a written statement. When he handed him over to government officials, he was euthanized and brain dead. "

He said, "Warmbear parents have made a direct experience of the brutal use of North Korea as a hostage to a totalitarian state by grabbing a son."

Warmbear's parents filed a lawsuit last October demanding compensation of $ 1.1 billion ($ 1.20 trillion) in compensation for punitive damages and alimony against the North Korean government.

The trial was made possible in November after the death of Warmby, when the Trump government designated North Korea as a terrorist supporter in nine years. The United States has been able to file a lawsuit against a terrorist state that has tortured, kidnapped, injured or killed victims.

The trial and judgment went ahead with the absence of the North Korean side. Judge Howell said North Korea did not submit any answers.

However, it appears that the US court's ruling is delivered to North Korea and that it is unlikely that North Korea will pay the reparations.

In the second trial of Kim Dong-shik, who was known to have died in 2001 in North Korea, the US court ruled that he should reimburse US $ 330 million (371 billion won) in recognition of North Korea's responsibility.

The court sent the verdict to the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the UN headquarters in New York in the United States, and the North Korean embassy in London, China and Beijing, according to a request from the surviving family in 2016.

"It is very unlikely that North Korea will voluntarily pay reparations," AFP reported. "It seems to be one of the most isolated countries in the world, so there are few assets that can be seized in the United States."

Warm Beer was arrested on charges of stealing propaganda from North Korea for tourism in January 2016 and was sentenced to 15 years of labor correction in the same year.

He was detained in North Korea for 17 months and then died in June of 2017.

(Yonhap News, photo = Yonhap News)