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A Central American migrant stuck at the border on November 26, 2018, facing Donald Trump's intransigence towards illegal migrants, and even those who come to seek asylum. REUTERS / Alkis Konstantinidis

While thousands of Central American migrants are still stranded on the border between the United States and Mexico, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States has never been so low. A study by the Pew research institute released on Tuesday (November 27th) indicates that the number of undocumented Mexicans in Donald Trump's country has been declining since 2007. He had made Mexican immigration a campaign theme, but figures contradict the words of Donald Trump.

During his election campaign, Donald Trump made Mexican immigrants his scapegoats. Yet in 2016, already, the number of illegal immigrants from this country had drastically dropped.

It is this drop in Mexican immigration that partly explains why the number of illegal immigrants fell by 1.5 million in less than 10 years in the United States.

According to the Pew Research Center study , between 2007 and 2016, Americans saw a 13% decrease in the number of undocumented migrants in their country, because under George W. Bush and Barack Obama evictions have never been so important . Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized the record of his predecessor, and yet it was under Barack Obama in 2013 that was reached the record number of 433 000 evictions.

While there are fewer and fewer undocumented immigrants from Mexico, those from Central America are more numerous. The future Mexican Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, will meet his American counterpart Mike Pompeo on Sunday. They should decide together the fate of thousands of migrants from Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, who have been stranded for days in the border town of Tijuana .