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Lindsey Graham (center) at the hearing of William Barr for the post of Minister of Justice on January 15 in Washington. REUTERS / Yuri Gripas

The Judicial Committee of the US Senate will hear William Barr on January 15 and 16 to confirm his appointment by Donald Trump to the Department of Justice. A commission led by the influential Lindsey Graham.

At 63, Lindsey Graham is still taking the lead. The Republican senator from South Carolina chairs the prestigious Judiciary Committee of the Senate, charged with conducting the confirmation hearing of Bill Barr as Minister of Justice. A role that confirms his new influence with the White House.

Last September, Lindsey Graham stepped in to defend Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was accused of attempted rape. Filmed, the flaming out had become viral and had somewhat surprised. For Lindsey Graham is a moderate Republican, a great friend of John McCain, a man of compromise, who knew during his 25 years of parliamentary career to negotiate with his political opponents.

The scene allowed Lindsey Graham to reinforce his position as Donald Trump's key ally. The two men often eat together now and the North Carolina senator vigorously tweets his support for the American president.

This weekend, however, the senator advised Donald Trump to temporarily lift the "shutdown" to find an agreement with the Democrats. The proposal was rejected by the president, but she recalls that Lindsey Graham is not one to hide his disagreements regarding the US withdrawal from Syria or the line to hold against Saudi Arabia following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi . It remains to be seen what Lindsay Graham will chair the Judiciary Committee of the Senate: the new ally of Donald Trump or the man of compromise with the critical spirit?