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A pro-Trump protester in Anaheim, California on September 8, 2018 (photo illustration). DAVID MCNEW / AFP

Donald Trump supporters gathered on the Mall in Washington on Saturday, September 8th. Despite the affairs and scandals of his presidency, despite his incendiary tweets and uncontrollable moods, the US president retains the support of his electoral base.

With our correspondent in Washington, Anne Corpet,

They shout " USA USA " as in the meetings of Donald Trump. Many wear the colors of the American flag. And all have a great admiration for the President. " It's amazing what he's done: tax cuts, deregulation and job creation for all, blacks, latinos, women, everyone ," enthuses Kenneth Owens. superior in Virginia.

Nothing seems to affect Donald Trump's electorate. Neither the incendiary books published about him, nor the murderous tribune published in the New York Times , nor the judicial cases that threaten him.

" Our president is innocent. We will not find anything against him. Circulate there is nothing to see, "says Dana Robinson, a Pennsylvania voter. " We have a country to save we are not going to waste our time with all these nonsense. "

Even polls that predict a Republican party defeat in the midterm elections do not worry Donald Trump's admirers. " There are many more people who support Donald Trump than what the media will ever want to say, " said Steve Moore, a mechanic from Georgia, who expects a " red wave ," the color of the Republican party.

And when, in the rostrum, the speaker evokes the name of Hillary Clinton, the militants take in heart the slogan of the campaign of 2016, " lock her up " - "to enclose it" - as to be persuaded that the miracle of the last presidential will be able to reiterate.