Just days before the US mid-term elections, Twitter announced it has sought to eliminate false accounts or automatic accounts intended to manipulate opinion. The accounts concerned are those calling for forbearance.

Twitter has removed thousands of automatic accounts in the United States, many posing as Democrats, who tweeted messages to discourage voters from voting Tuesday, November 6 in the mid-term elections that look difficult for Republicans, have reported the media.

Twitter said it had "deleted accounts that were trying to pass false information automatically - in violation of our rules . "

Deleting fake accounts

According to CNN, it was the Democrats campaign committee that alerted Twitter about these accounts, which were removed in September and early October.

The network of accounts seemed to be run from the United States, Twitter said without giving further details.

After accusations of manipulation by Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign, Twitter said it has sought in recent months to eliminate false accounts or automatic accounts intended to manipulate public opinion before the elections.

President Donald Trump recently complained that Twitter was suppressing accounts of his followers.