On Friday, November 2, President Donald Trump timed his remarks the day before, saying he had not asked American soldiers to shoot at migrants on the Mexican border if they threw stones at them.

"I did not say shoot," said Donald Trump. The soldiers "will not have to shoot. What I do not want is for these people to throw stones. Migrants who do so will be "arrested for a very long time," he said from the White House gardens. The US President has delayed, this Friday, his remarks the day before, concerning the instructions given to the army on the Mexican border.

On Thursday, during a statement on the subject of immigration, Donald Trump was questioned about how the soldiers he sent to the border would react if migrants threw stones at them. they want to throw stones at our army, our army will fight back, " he said. "If they throw stones as they did to the police and the Mexican army, I say, consider it a rifle," he said.

On Wednesday, the head of state announced that up to 15,000 soldiers could be deployed at the border, while thousands of migrants, mostly Hondurans, are currently on their way to the United States in the hope of filing a statement. asylum. At four days of tough elections for Republicans in Congress, Donald Trump is once again emphasizing his fiery rhetoric about immigration, picking up some fancy recipes in his 2016 presidential election campaign.