The United Arab Emirates today made its statement before the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Geneva condemning the country's malicious allegations that the measures taken by the UAE in response to Qatari practices in support of extremism and terrorist groups constitute - according to Qatar's claim - "racial discrimination" United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD).

In its review before the Committee, the State provided legal arguments, factual evidence and evidence that Qatar's complaint was not based on any legal basis, which was the usual Qatari method of fabricating allegations before international organizations. Qatar's complaint before CERD was part of the country's informative public relations campaign Which is aimed at diverting attention from the dire consequences of the region because of Qatar's policies supporting terrorism and extremist groups, whose consequences are today in the terrorist incidents facing the countries of the world.

In its statement, the UAE outlined the measures it has taken to facilitate the entry of welcome Qatari nationals into the UAE despite the negative policies of their government, which supports extremist and terrorist groups throughout the region.
The State stressed that when the relations with Qatar were cut off in the summer of 2017, the UAE adopted a series of measures that comply with international law in the face of the intransigence of Doha in fulfilling its obligations, and these measures did not target the Qatari people.

The UAE explained in its position that as part of these measures, the UAE amended the procedure for Qatari nationals to enter its visa-free territory and replaced it with a free entry permit system, which requires Qatari nationals to apply for approval before entering the UAE. Online or through a hotline that was announced in June 2017.

Moreover, the establishment of an entry requirement for nationals of any State is common throughout the world and can not be classified as "racial discrimination" and does not constitute a violation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

The Director of the Department of International Law at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, State Representative to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Abdullah Hamdan Al-Naqbi, said that "this case should not have been submitted to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Racial discrimination, it is just an attempt by Qatar to abuse the CERD and manipulate it for political purposes. "

"The reasonable, proportionate and consistent measures of international law adopted by the United Arab Emirates concerning Qatari nationals do not fall within the framework of racial discrimination prohibited by the Convention. The purpose of the Convention is to eliminate discriminatory treatment based on fixed attributes such as race, color or descent Or national or ethnic origin, and therefore the State has not violated the Convention. "

The UAE also drew the attention of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to the fact that Qatar had filed a similar case in the International Court of Justice, while continuing both procedures concurrently, and urged the Commission to recognize that this two-track approach was an abuse of the system of procedures by Qatar, That the Committee should decide on the matter before Qatar took the option of "escalating" the dispute to the International Court of Justice unilaterally before the Committee's proceedings were completed, and the Committee should therefore refrain from considering the dispute.

"We have found the Qatari retreat and demand the formation of a Tawfiq Commission in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention, although Qatar has exceeded the jurisdiction of the Commission and went to raise the matter to the International Court of Justice.

In this context, we note that all the measures that have been taken have facilitated the procedures for dealing with the Qatari citizen. Our arguments also indicate that the main disagreement is the political orientations that support extremism and terrorism to the Qatari government.

He concluded by saying that Qatar chose the method of filing complaints in the belief that through this tendency, Al-Kidi will cause harm to the boycotting countries. Indeed, Qatar should have reviewed its policies in support of extremism and terrorism. Today, we see that the complaint approach hurts Qatar and its reputation. on her.