Unknown with a knife wounded two passers-by in the Amsterdam Central Station area. This was stated in the local police, noting that the offender was wounded in return fire.

"During the incident in the area of ​​Amsterdam Central Station, the police wounded the suspect," the local police said in Twitter.

The victims, including the criminal himself, were taken to the hospital. On the motives of the attacker is not yet reported. Dutch law enforcement officers call for cooperation with the authorities of all those who have information about the incident.

"The motives of the crime at the Amsterdam Central Station are subject to investigation. All possible options are considered, "the police said.

Aanleiding steekincident Amsterdam Centraal Station is onderwerp van onderzoek. Daarin wordt alle mogelijke scenario's meegenomen.

- Politie Amsterdam eo (@Politie_Adam) August 31, 2018

According to the AT5 television channel, which refers to witnesses, the attack was committed near the information desk in one of the tunnels under the station. Law enforcers examine the bag and a bicycle left in it, the television channel informs. The witness also said that the offender is about 30 years old, and one of the victims is a tourist.

According to the NL Times, referring to the eyewitnesses of the incident, the fight got tied up on the platform.

Local police added that the Central Station was evacuated, and one tunnel was blocked under its tracks. In addition, closed tram traffic near the station.

Other attacks

During this summer, several incidents of cold-weapon attacks were recorded in Europe. So, on June 12 in Paris, a Moroccan, armed with a knife and fake firearms, captured a group of hostages. As a result, he was neutralized by the police.

On June 17, in La Saint-sur-Mer commune, a woman with a knife attacked local passers-by shouting "Allah akbar!", She was detained. On June 20, in the city of Tours, policemen detained a 30-year-old man who intended to attack local residents with cold arms.

August 23 in the commune of the Trap in the south-west of Paris, a man attacked with a knife on passers-by. As a result, two people were killed: the mother and sister of the criminal. The terrorist group "Islamic State" * claimed responsibility for the attack.

Attacks on passers-by using cold steel occurred not only in France, but also in other countries of Western Europe. So, on July 20 in the German city of Lubeck, a 34-year-old man of Iranian origin attacked the bus passengers. Then ten people were injured.

August 20 in Catalonia, a man with a knife went to the police station. He was going to attack the employees, but was liquidated.

However, attacks using cold steel were recorded not only in European countries. So, on July 23 in Ottawa, a man with a knife tried to attack an employee of the guard during the changing of the guard near the parliament building.

Protests in Germany

A wide response was caused by the murder of Daniel Hillig from the German Chemnitz, in which the police suspect two migrants from Syria and Iraq. The incident occurred on the night of August 26. The crime was committed during a street festival. Between the groups of young people, a scuffle began, in which up to ten people took part, and as a result of the stabbing, the man was killed. Two more Germans went to the hospital.

The next day, the local branch of the right-wing party "Alternative for Germany" (AdG) arranged a rally at the crime scene, which was attended by about 100 people. The second rally on the same day was organized by local football fans, about 1,000 people came to see him. Protesters demanded to put an end to the crimes committed by migrants.

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According to local media reports, the demonstrators threw bottles at the police, and later a scuffle began between them and law enforcement officers. It is noted that the demonstration involved not only football fans and right-wing radicals, but also ordinary city residents, who were outraged by police inaction against migrants.

To stop the clashes, the police had to use water jets. In total, as a result of the riots, 20 people were injured.

* "Islamic State" (IG) - the organization is recognized as terrorist by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014.