WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump has launched a simulation room at the White House for his favorite sport, golf, allowing him to participate in world-class virtual competitions by hitting the ball on a large video screen, The Washington Post reported.

The new simulation system at the White House replaced the last, less developed one, in the same room under former US President Barack Obama.

A White House official was quoted as saying that the new chamber had cost Trump $ 50,000 and had been processed over the past few weeks at his personal residence at the presidential residence.

The official confirmed to the newspaper that Trump paid for the development of the said room and the simulation system developed from his own account.

According to Sky News, Trump's aides say he often spends a lot of his day, without formal meetings, dedicated to watching TV and Twitter, holding improvised meetings and making phone calls.

Trump has a number of golf clubs in the United States and abroad.

The American site AXIOS recently published leaks about the president spending about 60% of his time in various activities. For the five hours since waking up until 11 am, he has been engaged in entertainment activities such as "watching television, reading newspapers and following up on his comments via phone calls to his friends or Close members of the Congress, as well as some officials and informal advisers. "