“If Congressman Swalwell, or Congressman Castro, or Congressman Schiff, have evidence of (my. - RT) collusion with the Russians or cooperation with WikiLeaks on my part, let them show them. They have nothing, ”Stone said in an interview with The Hill.

Roger Stone: "If Congressman Swalwell or Congressman Castro or Congressman Schiff, you can get it. They have none." @HillTVLivehttps: //t.co/yNgfEQ7NoIpic.twitter.com/DT4chmszVz

- The Hill (@thehill) December 12, 2018

He noted that his testimony before the intelligence committee of the US House of Representatives was "100% credible."

Earlier, American writer, political analyst Jerome Corsi filed a lawsuit against US special prosecutor Robert Muller, accusing the head of the investigation of "Russian interference" of blackmail and inclination to give false testimony in the case of President Donald Trump.

He noted that the special prosecutor threatened him with imprisonment if he did not agree to give false testimony and plead a connection between Julian Assange and Republican political strategist Roger Stone, who was Trump's adviser during the presidential campaign.