US President Donald Trump on Saturday accused the Democrats of the "strict" responsibility for the death of migrant children in detention in the United States, after the death of two small Guatemalans and in the midst of a political standoff over the "shutdown".

"Any death of children or others at the Border is strictly the fault of the Democrats and their pathetic migration policy that allows people to make the long crossing by thinking that they can enter our country illegally. If we had a Wall, they would not even try! ", he tweeted.

Any deaths of children or others at the Border are strictly the fault of the Democrats and their pathetic immigration policies that allow people to make the long journey of thinking they can enter our country illegally. They can not. If we had a Wall, they would not even try! The two .....

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 29, 2018

... children in question were very sick before they were given over to Border Patrol. The father of the young girl said it was not their fault, he had not given her water in days. Border Patrol needs the Wall and it will all end. They are working so hard & getting so little credit!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 29, 2018

Deaths that provoked indignation and emotion. The death in custody of two small Guatemalans, a 7-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy after entering the United States provoked indignation and emotion in the country and beyond. Guatemala has asked "the US authorities a transparent and serious investigation into this case". Also on Twitter, Donald Trump assured that the two children "were very sick before being handed over to the border guards".

According to Trump, the girl's father would not have given him water. He also claimed that the girl's father "had not given him water for days", while several media quoting his family said the opposite. "Border guards need the Wall and it's all going to end, they work so hard and have little recognition in exchange!" Added the US President.

Democrats refuse to vote for the financing of the Wall. Donald Trump had earlier called on the Democrats to reach an agreement on the "shutdown", a partial paralysis of federal administrations that is entering its second week. The wall promised by the US president on the border with Mexico is at the heart of this budget impasse. Donald Trump demands that the finance law provides $ 5 billion for its construction, which the Democrats refuse.