The US and China leaders discussed the issues including trade conflict in a comprehensive way through the telephone call.

It is the first time since the US and China summit held in Buenos Aires, Argentina,

US President George W. Bush said on Tuesday that the US-China trade negotiations are well underway.

President Trump said, "We have just made a very good and long conversation with the Chinese leader," he said. "If it is concluded, it is the official Xinhua News Agency, covering all subjects, fields and issues, agreeing with the principle that the two countries will faithfully implement the summit agreement. "He said.

According to Xinhua News Agency, President Trump said that the US and China relations are very important and are receiving worldwide attention.

He said he hoped to reach a consensus that would benefit not only the entire world but also the people of the two countries, saying that bilateral negotiations are making positive progress.

"We hope to work together for the stable progress of the US-China relationship," Shi said in his New Year's address to President Trump and the Americans.

"China attaches great importance to the development of bilateral relations and appreciates the efforts of the United States to develop cooperative and constructive relations," adding, , Military, judiciary, drug eradication, and culture. "

"The bilateral relations are in a critical stage," Shi said. "We hope that the negotiators of the two countries will compromise each other as soon as possible through concessions," Xinhua said.

According to Bloomberg News, the US and China trade negotiations will enter into negotiations in Beijing, China on January 7 next year to resolve common conflicts.

US Deputy Treasury Secretary Jeffrey Gary is expected to lead the US negotiations team, and Deputy Treasury Secretary David Malthus has been included in the negotiations.

(Photo: Yonhap News)