US President Donald Trump tweeted as if to mock France's Emmanuel Mark Long administration, which has been in the biggest political crisis since its launch as a "yellow vest" protest against the oil tax hike.

It is the logic of the fact that the protesters left the Paris Climate Change Agreement and caused mass protests.

"The Paris convention is not working well for Paris," Trump told reporters on Monday morning. "There is protests and riots happening throughout France."

"I do not want people to pay a lot of money to third-world countries for the sake of protecting the environment," he added.

It is interpreted as meaning that only some developed countries will bear the cost burden in relation to the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

President Trump added an additional tweet in five hours, saying "Paris is very hard at night and day" and "maybe it's time to end the ridiculous and costly Paris accord and return the money to people in low taxation" I said.

"The United States is ahead of it," he added. "And the United States is the only major country with a decline in carbon emissions last year."

"The Paris treaty is fatal because it raises energy prices in responsible countries and blinds some of the worst polluting countries," Trump said on Friday. "US taxpayers and workers are working to eliminate pollutants from other countries, I can not afford to pay. "

"I love France," Trump said in a tweet. "(Protesters) are saying that they want Trump."

"It's a rumor that Kirk's claim is also starting from Rush Limbaugh's claim," said Dirk Hill, a congressional media specialist. "It's a quote from tweet user Charles Kirk, who is saying that 'we want a trump' "He said.

Limbo is the host of the "Chin Trump" radio talk show, and is considered to be a very positive person who raises conspiracy theories.

(Yonhap News, photo = Getty Images Korea)