The head of the Supreme Council of the Libyan State Khaled al-Mashri said that the council will not participate in any dialogue table with retired general Khalifa Hafer after his attack on Tripoli, at the time of the head of the government of reconciliation Fayez al-Sarraj the position of the United Nations.

Al-Mashri criticized the League of Arab States, saying that it did not issue any position demanding the forces of Hafr to stop its aggression.

The head of the Supreme Council of the State said that the Haftar attack on Tripoli coincided with the visit of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterich to the country, and assurances from the head of the UN mission Ghassan Salama that Haftar would not attack the western region.

Al-Mashari added that Salameh either confirmed these lies, or that he is involved in some way or another in what is happening, ruling out the last hypothesis.

Al-Serraj said that the serious attacks on Tripoli and other cities began during the first visit of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the capital.

"We thought the Secretary-General of the United Nations was keen on peace but the attacks proved that he was not a serious partner to achieve it."

Al-Jazeera correspondent in Libya said that the United Nations confirmed that the government of national reconciliation is the government that recognizes it there.

The UN envoy said Hafar's forces were not seeking to counter terrorism but were trying to carry out a military coup.

In an interview with the BBC, Salameh said that issuing a warrant to arrest the head of the government and other officials was proof of his desire to carry out a military coup.

He also stressed that if all the warring parties are convinced of the failure of the military solution, it is possible to start implementing the political solution which he considered the safety of "the only way out of the crisis."

The UN envoy confirmed that many countries have supported Haftar for more than three years under the pretext of confronting terrorism, but his goal is actually control of the capital.

For his part, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Maitek said that Hafer is trying to implement a coup through the military confrontation.

Maitek, who was speaking in the Italian capital of Rome, called for the withdrawal of Haftar forces from the suburbs of Tripoli and the west of the country.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conti discussed with Qatari Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al-Thani in Rome the developments of the Libyan crisis.

In a joint statement, the two sides stressed the importance of international coordination in support of peace and stability in Libya in the interest of the people and put them above all considerations.

Conte said in remarks after the meeting that Rome wanted an immediate ceasefire in Libya, and expressed the hope that the withdrawal of Hafar troops from the south of the capital.

For his part, the Qatari foreign minister said that the actions of the military militias led by Hafer mainly impede international efforts to achieve Libyan national dialogue.

In this context, the British UN mission distributed to the members of the Security Council - late Monday evening New York time - a draft resolution calling on all parties in Libya to cease immediately.

Diplomatic sources told the Anatolian correspondent that the British draft resolution also calls on all parties to cooperate with the efforts of the UN envoy to ensure a complete cessation of military actions throughout Libya.