Families, authorities and church leaders paid tribute Wednesday night to the victims of the attack on the Hyper Hide in Paris, four years after the hostage-taking that had killed four, all Jews, at a rally organized by the Crif. The ceremony gathered, in front of the supermarket of the Porte de Vincennes, the ministers Christophe Castaner, Nicole Belloubet, Benjamin Griveaux, several representatives of the Jewish institutions - Francis Kalifat, president of the Crif, Joel Mergui, president of the Consistory and the chief rabbi of France Chaim Korsia, with relatives of the dead. The designer Riss was also there.

François-Michel Saada, Philippe Braham, Yohan Cohen and Yoav Hattab. Four candles were lit in front of the commemorative plaque in tribute to François-Michel Saada, Philippe Braham, Yohan Cohen and Yoav Hattab, killed by Amédy Coulibaly on January 9, 2015 in the supermarket. Six other candles were lit, especially for the victims of Charlie Hebdo killed by the Kouachi brothers, for Clarissa Jean-Philippe, the municipal policewoman of Montrouge killed by Amedy Coulibaly on January 8, Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame murdered last March at Trèbes, Sarah Halimi, defensée in April 2017, Mireille Knoll, killed in March 2018 in her Paris apartment, the victims of the Pittsburgh bombing in the fall and the victims of the attack in Strasbourg in December.

#HyperCacher - The public is now invited to light candles in memory of the victims pic.twitter.com/7chtRFHvm6

- CRIF (@Le_CRIF) January 9, 2019

Prayer of the dead, minute of silence and national anthem. Haim Korsia read a psalm and recited kaddish, the prayer of the dead. A minute of silence was observed, before the participants started La Marseillaise .

#HyperCacher - The crowd sings in heart the Marseillaise pic.twitter.com/PqKuIFm2ji

- CRIF (@Le_CRIF) January 9, 2019

After four years of investigation into the attacks of Charlie Hebdo , Montrouge and the Hyper Cacher in January 2015, the Paris prosecutor's office requested on December 21, 2018 a trial in assizes for 14 people involved to varying degrees in these attacks . It is now up to the anti-terrorist investigating judges to decide to refer all or part of these suspects to a specially constituted Assize Court. All are suspected, at a minimum, of logistical support to the brothers Kouachi and Amédy Coulibaly.