Traces of the student's DNA were also found in the suspect's apartment and on one of his jackets, the source said Monday.

Expertise revealed the presence of traces of blood Sophie Le Tan on shoes belonging to Jean-Marc Reiser, indicted for the murder of the student, said Monday to AFP a source close to the case. A trace of the student's DNA was also newly recorded on linoleum, in the suspect's apartment, and on one of his jackets, according to the same source, confirming daily information. The Parisian .

Blood on the handle of a saw

These expertises, conducted by the National Institute of Scientific Police (INPS), confirmed the presence of traces of blood of the girl on the handle of a saw seized in the cellar of the suspect, confirmed the same way this source close to the folder. Long questioned in late March by the investigating judge of Strasbourg in charge of the case, especially on this last point, Jean-Marc Reiser, 58 years old, had once again claimed his innocence.

Sophie Le Tan disappeared on September 7th when she had to find her family to celebrate her twentieth birthday. She had gone that day to visit an apartment in Schiltigheim, near Strasbourg. The girl has not been found since despite intense research conducted by investigators.

Arrested a week after the disappearance. Already convicted, including rapes, Jean-Marc Reiser had posted the real estate ad to which she had responded. He had been arrested a week after the disappearance, using telephone data, and indicted for murder, kidnapping and forcible confinement.