Poland and the United States of America signed an agreement on the supply of 20 American HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, ammunition, and a package of logistics and training by 2023. The contract amount was $ 414 million.

Polish President Andrzej Duda, Prime Minister Mateusz Moravetsky, Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak, and Vice President Michael Pence took part in the solemn ceremony held on the territory of the first transport aviation base in Warsaw.

“The purchase of HIMARS systems will not only strengthen the defensive and combat capabilities of the Polish army, but also strengthen the security of this part of Europe and NATO’s eastern flank,” said Duda.

As the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic added, Polish soldiers receive the latest weapons used by "the most powerful army in the world."

Note that the American MLRS, the launcher of which is located on a light armored truck, is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 300 km.

The supply of American weapons to Polish troops is one of the steps that lead to the complete destruction of the international security structure of the European region. This opinion was expressed by Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense and Security, Yuri Shvytkin.

“Poland is a strategic ally of the United States, they are trying to arm it accordingly. Of course, such actions are militant, clearly directed against our country. This is an attempt to save its face from the United States, leaving the INF Treaty, allegedly ensuring the safety and security of Poland. At the same time, it should be noted that Warsaw introduces aggressive rhetoric towards Russia, ”the parliamentarian stressed in an interview with RT.

"The Poles do not whine and should be rewarded"

In addition to cooperation in the military-technical sphere, Washington and Warsaw are discussing the issue of expanding the presence of the United States in the republic. This topic was one of the main topics during the meeting held on February 12 between Polish Foreign Minister Yacek Chaputovich and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

At the same time, the American ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, in an interview with the Financial Times reported that Warsaw is requesting an increase in the military contingent. According to her, the number of US troops in the Eastern European state may increase "by no less than a few hundred people." The diplomat also recalled that Poland was one of the NATO countries, which did not complain in response to the US demand for increased defense spending.

“We appealed to (to other NATO member states - RT ) with a request to participate more actively in the distribution of the financial burden, bringing the share of defense allocations to 2 percent of GDP. In response, they ache, but the Poles do not. I think they will be rewarded for it, ”Mosbaker said.

It should be noted that currently in Poland on a rotational basis is an American tank brigade of about 3.5 thousand people, as well as a multinational NATO battalion - about 1 thousand military personnel.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon called the report in the media about the increase in the American contingent in Poland "nothing groundless speculation." As pointed out in the US Department, the point in the negotiations has not yet been set.

“We are continuing negotiations with our Polish allies, no agreements have been reached. We are continuing negotiations, and their results will be announced at the right time, ”said US Department of Defense spokesman Eric Pachon.

  • US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Polish Foreign Minister Yacek Czaputovich.
  • Reuters
  • © Kacper Pempel

Poland's European ambitions

Political scientist Sergei Sudakov, a corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences, explained in an interview with RT that the United States had long relied on the fact that the European Union would not be one. And now, in light of Britain’s exit from the EU, the question of how the collective security of the continental community will be built is particularly acute. In Washington, they feel that they are losing their old allies, so they are actively looking for new ones.

“If you recall the run-up to the G20 summit last year, Trump drove to Poland before arriving in Hamburg, announced the construction of Fort Trump and urged Poland to take on a responsible mission to restrain the fearsome Russians. Poland receives a certain carte blanche and understands that in case of the collapse of the European Union, it will be able to become the leader of Northern and Eastern Europe, ”explained the expert.

According to him, it is this perspective that inspires Warsaw, which, in turn, forces Poland to build its military infrastructure and spend money on the maintenance of the American military. At the same time, it is beneficial for the White House, on the one hand, to have a foothold near the Russian borders, and on the other, to have political levers in Europe.

“The United States understands perfectly well that Poland is small for the confrontation of Russia, but for constant filth and complication of life it will fit. And do not need to buy a huge Germany. The United States always acts according to one principle - “divide and rule,” concluded Sudakov.

Gas interest

The fact that the United States and Poland confirmed their intention to continue and strengthen military cooperation is not surprising. According to Dmitry Solonnikov, director of the Institute of Contemporary State Development, for the last 25 years, Warsaw has been Washington’s main ally in Europe and continues to fulfill this role in all areas, both political and military, and economic.

“This is only a continuation of a long-chosen policy. I do not see any news, ”he said in a conversation with RT.

That is why Poland supports the US position on the Nord Stream - 2. But it is worth noting that in the gas issue the Eastern European country has its own personal interest.

“Poland is going to deliver the same Norwegian gas to the European continent via a pipeline across the Baltic Sea and create a European gas hub, accepting both liquefied gas from the United States and pipe gas from Norway. And then to be the center of gas distribution in the European continent, ”said the expert.

Thus, Warsaw is ready for an alliance with the United States to oppose the gas cooperation between Russia and Germany. At the same time, it is beneficial for the White House to have additional support in Europe, especially in its eastern part.

The topic of confronting Russia has become a favorable platform for combining the efforts of the two countries. In Poland, this idea is very strong, as demonstrated by the results of a poll published in February of this year. They showed that 65% of the Polish population consider Russia to be the main threat to national security. At the same time, concerns about climate change and the terrorist threat, in particular, from the side of the Islamic State *, come to the first place in other countries.

* “Islamic State” (IG) - the organization is recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014.