Imran Abdullah

Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi was known as an encyclopaedic scholar as a philosopher and writer, philosopher and author of philosophy, linguistics, mysticism, and more. He lived most of his long life in Baghdad. His works were characterized by their diversity, abundance of content and brilliant literary style, which included a description of the general conditions of his time.

But the monotheism, which he described as "passion and manhood" and "kisses" and "insights and ammunition" burned his books in the late years of his adultery to those who can not after his death complained of ignoring his creations and poverty and lack of livelihood and wrote to one of his friends shows him that he was not the first to burn his books " Let me burn these books like imams imitate them. "

In his letter, al-Tawhidi also mentioned examples of his predecessors, most notably Sufyan al-Thawri, who ripped his books and put them in the wind, and Abu Amr ibn al-'Ala, who buried them in the ground without any trace. After the arrival of trouble and astonishment, and the scourge and stagnation, "and Abu Suleiman Aldarani, who collected his books in Tanur and fire with fire, and then said," God, what burned you until I almost burned you. "

Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti said in the "Layers of linguists and grammarians" that Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi burned his books because of the overturned by the days and found that it did not benefit him. He collected and burned them and did not produce anything other than what was transferred or copied before burning them. Al-Tawhidi also narrated that Shaykh Abu Sa'eed, He said to his son Muhammad, "I have left these books for you to gain the best term, if you see Tkhonk Vajalha Tmah fire."

Thus, the reasons that led the scholars of the ages of Arab gold to get rid of their books themselves whether by burning, washing, burying, chopping, dumping or otherwise, and varied motives between the fear of misuse and poverty and lack of use or appreciation or success in the role of temporary or even Tiredness and the desire to relax the male.

Some copies of the books that were deliberately destroyed by their authors survived thanks to the existence of other copies (the island)

Asceticism and access
Some writers considered that the goal of the only writing is to be a bridge to the Creator, once access is achieved so that they seek to burn the books that they used in the journey, said Ahmad bin al-Hawari, one of the flags of Sufism in the third century AH, addressing his books, I do this to you with contempt, but I was distracted from you. "Abu Sulaiman al-Darani said," Yes, the evidence was, and the evidence for the evidence after the arrival is open. "

Some scholars considered that lack of sincerity in writing books calls for atonement by removing books. Al-Zahabi mentioned that he had been told that he would not want to talk.

It was narrated that al-Faqih al-Zaheid Dawood ibn Nusair al-Tai said that he left the request for fiqh and accepted worship and buried his books.

And narrated from the poet Abu Hussein Asim al-Asami al-Karkhi that the disease and wash his poetry at the end of his life, and the transfer of Abu Muhammad Abdullah Yafi'i in the mirror Jinan that al-Osmi was a famous poet Zarifa owner of salt and virtues and virtuous virtues.

Al-Yafi'i also quoted Abu Bakr al-Sama'ani al-Tamimi as saying that he washed his hair so that it would not affect the value of what he wrote in al-Shafi'i and Hadith.

And narrated from Abu Amr ibn al-Ala, who was an imam in reading and language sciences that he had committed a command to burn his books or get rid of them.

Keeping the flag destroyed books!
In some of his books, al-Khatib al-Baghdadi said that some of the applicants, if he attended the death, destroyed his books himself or recommended that they be destroyed "for fear of becoming a person who is not Of the scholars, does not know the provisions, and bear all the apparent, and perhaps increased and lack, so it is attributed to the author originally, All this and the like has been transferred from the applicants to guard him.

It was narrated that Abu Amr al-Kufi, who converted to Islam in the life of the Prophet and narrated the hadeeth and died in the first century AH, said that he called his books at the time of his death and wiped them off. "I fear that people will put them in place," according to Ibn Abd al-Barr.

And recommended the modern division bin Hajjaj to wash his books after his death, and his son Saad said he washed. "My father was if I met with him books of people sent me by Vdfnha mud."

And commented Shams al-Din al-Dahabi on the words of Saad bin Division in the "Circles of the nobles" saying, "He did this with his books of burial, washing and burning several of the preservation, fearing to be won by the modern little religion, and changes, and increases, attributed to the keeper, or that His origins were in the provinces and wailing of what happened to him at all, but was elected from the origins of what he narrated and what remained, Frgb him, and they found only for execution.

And the transfer of Yacout al-Hamawi in the lexicon of literature that the grammar Ali bin Issa Al-Shirazi quarter of the fourth century AH class classified many of which explain the clarification and the abbreviation of the crime and Badi in the grammar and explain the book Seboyeh, but the latter washed himself after a trader discussed a question in which he poured water, And he says, "I will not make the children of the grocer's beards."

Although some copies of the books deliberately destroyed by their authors survived thanks to the existence of other copies or had been spread before their destruction, the scientific loss resulting from this deliberate destruction may be compared to the loss caused by the burning of sultans of books and folders for political reasons.