The Yemeni army forces, supported by the Arab Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy, liberated the mountain range of "Samar Thabeeh" in the Directorate of Al-Hashhah in Sa'ada governorate and managed to thwart infiltration attempts by the Iranian-backed coup-backed Houthi militia north of Qataba district in Dhala governorate. The military media of the Yemeni resistance confirmed that the Hodeidah airport went out of readiness after the Houthis turned it into a minefield, while seven militia leaders were killed in a qualitative operation of the brigades' forces. Giants », also resulted in the destruction of a central operations room was putschists use as a center of command and control and control operations in the white.

In a statement issued yesterday evening, the Yemeni armed forces launched a surprise attack in which they managed to liberate the mountain range, "Samar and Thiba" strategy, in addition to securing sites that were previously edited by the army forces.

The statement pointed out that the army forces advanced more than five kilometers, and continued to progress towards the depth of the Directorate of the charge, and resulted in the fighting killed and wounded among the Houthi militias, in addition to other losses in combat equipment suffered by the coup.

In Dhala, the Yemeni army forces thwarted yesterday, an attempt to infiltrate the militias of Houthi in the area of ​​Hamr north of the Directorate of Qataba, which resulted in the death and injury of several militia elements, and the escape of others towards the area of ​​Hamr al-Sada.

The field sources said that Huthi leaders were killed during the confrontations witnessed in the region during the past hours, including the leader called "Muhammad Ali al-Haimi," who was killed in the outskirts of the area of ​​Hamr.

The Huthi militias are trying to recover from the losses they have suffered over the past two days, and have been displaced from the camp of al-A'la and Shibab mountains, but the joint forces of legitimacy continue to confront the militias.

Field sources said that Yemeni army forces continue the process of combing the liberated areas of armed militia coup in the Directorate of Qatuba, pointing out that the army arrested a cell of militias, wearing women's uniforms, and trying to sneak into Qataba.

The sources pointed out that the army forces destroyed a tank of militias in the Shakhb area northwest of Qatuba, pointing out that the militias were using the tank to target civilians in the areas of stone, and sources said that dozens of militia elements fled to the fronts adjacent to the province of Dali, after heavy losses .

A report on the Yemeni army website said that the achievements of the army heroes and the popular resistance supporting him from the rapid progress in extracting and tightening the control of areas and strategic sites and governor, region after region, in the oud and Mars and Qatbtp and water and Azraq, and all fronts of fighting north and west of the province of Dali, The militias are trying to spread rumors through "sleeper cells". The report confirmed that this rumor will not succeed in fragmenting the national unity of Yemen, and the army will continue to respond to these rumors through the practical victories.

In Taiz, Yemeni army forces confronted the al-Houthi militia in Taiz province in the southwest of the country.

The Yemeni Army website said that the militias were trying to advance towards the positions of the army, north of Taiz, but the army forces confronted them and forced them to retreat and flee, without the militias achieved any significant progress, and suffered a large number of coupists and killed in their ranks, Military.

In Hodeidah, on the western coast of Yemen, the militias continued their repeated violations of the UN-brokered international truce signed in Sweden last December under the auspices of the United Nations. Militias bombed and targeted the positions of the joint forces stationed in Hodeidah.

The military sources confirmed that the Houthi bombing focused on the positions of the joint forces east of the city of Saleh mortar mortar caliber 120, and targeted in the Directorate of Durahmi scattered positions of the joint forces, various types of medium and heavy weapons, including weapons 14.5 and 12.7, and machine guns.

Al-Houthi militias intensified their violations of the UN humanitarian truce in various areas of Al-Hodeidah governorate yesterday, targeting residential villages in al-Jah district of Beit al-Faqih, south of the governorate, with heavy artillery, mortars and Hauser. In the area, wounding a number of civilians, including women and children, in addition to the destruction and burning of a number of houses.

A statement by the military information of the Yemeni resistance in Hodeidah that the Huthi militias to destroy the airport Hodeidah led to the departure of the airport for its readiness, the statement said that the militias dug tunnels under the main runway of the airport, which was planned to receive humanitarian aid, It is difficult to land the aircraft in the future.

The statement pointed out that the militias placed large amounts of sand dunes and dirt obstacles along the runway, and was bombarded with mines and explosive devices, threatening to blow up the runway and its surroundings completely, pointing out that the Houthi militias turned the airport into a minefield, where Fakhtth full buildings inside the IEDs and mines of different sizes .

In al-Baidah, seven al-Houthi militia leaders were killed in a qualitative operation of the brigades of the Giants in the Al-Hmeikan district of Al-Zaher district in the governorate of Al-Bayda in central Yemen. The spokesman of the brigades of the Giants, Waddah al-Dabeesh, said in a statement that the pioneers of the battalion To the Al-Hmeikan area, and carried out a painful blow to the Houthi militias. A central operation room and an armored vehicle were targeted and destroyed in Al-Zaher district. Huthi leaders were in the target area. .

The spokesman pointed out that the targeted operations room was used as a command, control and control center in Al-Bayda governorate and the districts adjacent to Al-Zaher Directorate. He pointed out that the targeting was preceded by a monitoring and reconnaissance operation which led to the success of reaching the target.

The Yemeni army destroys a tank of militias and continues to comb the liberated areas of Qatuba.

7 of the leaders of the militias in the process of quality for the «Giants» Directorate of Zaher.