Al-Houthi militias continued their military escalation in Hodeidah on the western coast of Yemen, hours before the cease-fire took effect in the province, while the Yemeni army forces achieved new and qualitative victories in different axes on the fronts of Al-Jawf and Saada, The liberation operations were completed in Nham, northeast of Sana'a.

According to field sources in al-Jouf province east of Sanaa, the army forces in the northern axis of the province managed to control the strategic sites overlooking the international road linking Al-Jouf and Saada, after fierce battles against the Houthi militias in the northern axis.

The sources pointed out that the military units managed during the past two days to take control of several sites in the area of ​​«Qamamil» difficult nature of the mountain, after the implementation of a military operation described quality due to the difficulty of terrain in the region, and controlled a mountain chain between Jawf and Saada, directly overlooking the international road The link between the two provinces.

The sources confirmed that the control of al-Qamayel enabled the army forces to secure the international line linking the port of the border spots with the orphanage area in the al-Jawf and the spots in Saada, noting that eight militia members were killed and others wounded in the last operation. The engineering teams continued to remove mines planted by the militias in the area .

The spokesman of the sixth military region, Colonel Abdullah Al-Ashraf told «Emirates Today», that the Yemeni army forces in the northern axis of the cavity continue to progress towards new areas on the outskirts of Saada, and that the fighting continues since the evening of the day before yesterday, The decline and collapse of the militia fronts.

Al-Ashraf pointed out that the battles led to the liberation of the full "barley patties", which are significant field gains that will enable the army to move towards new areas on the Axis fronts that are directly related to Sa'ada, pointing out that the army has destroyed a large quantity of weapons and ammunition. , Capturing three of its elements, as well as the escape of the rest.

In Saada, the army continued its advance in the Marran front of the Haidan district, stronghold of the militia leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi, after taking control of several positions in the vicinity of the Marran strategic obstacle, according to Brigadier General Saleh al-Makhlafi, The territory of Saada province is a militia element, and the al-Arabiya brigades have recovered many weapons stored in the mountains and valleys, which were looted by the militias from state military institutions after their coup against the legitimate government.

The forces of the Araba brigades were about to take full control of a bitter obstacle, after it became surrounded by three directions, while the forces of the brigades of giants reached the outskirts of the Directorate of Haidan, and on the outskirts of the valley of «Libbeh» and «Valley of the Khalb».

In the Razih front, the army succeeded in thwarting an attempt to infiltrate the militias in the direction of the army positions in the strategic Azhar mountains, killing 14 people and injuring dozens, and forcing their forces to retreat and flee.

In Hodeidah on the west coast, the militias continued their military escalation a few hours before the cease-fire agreement was implemented, looting and looting of the city's strategic seaport facilities and the merchants' warehouses within it, as well as carrying out extensive sabotage operations and digging and blocking the streets leading to the port and the city center And on the streets of the fifties and the road of the Levant, and intensified shelling on the neighborhoods of Rabsa and the University and July 7 and the 50th Street and the perimeter of 22 May, as well as the implementation of attempts to infiltrate the directorates of Aljah and Aldrihami and Hays, and was able to resist the Yemeni resistance forces, Here, the militias had inflicted dozens of dead and wounded.

The militias moved the Al-Said Educational Complex for girls in the Corniche in Hodeidah, along with another school in Shamsan Street, to military barracks and weapons stores, and snipers were deployed.

Militias continued to push heavily into Hodeidah and opened recruitment doors for security in Sana'a and areas under their control under the so-called "Hodeidah International Security Police", according to confirmed sources in those areas.

Local sources in the district of Hays south of Hodeidah said that the militias, despite failing to penetrate the city in order to cut off the supply of advanced joint resistance in Hodeidah and Darihami, continued to send new reinforcements to several villages around the city.

In Hajjah, the legitimate forces managed to destroy an arms depot of the militias in Naseem farms in the vicinity of Haradh, as well as destroying military vehicles on their way to Haradh, leaving dead and wounded among the militia.

In the north-east of Sanaa, the army was able to complete the liberation of the area after controlling the new areas in its surroundings yesterday, and continued its progress behind the regions of the century and Mount Salt and great and drowning, amid the decline of militias on those fronts after being killed and wounded by the army.