The Yemeni army forces, backed by the Arab Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy, managed to control the sector of Manakhl in the west of Al-Dhali. The forces also advanced in the Heifan Front south-east of Taiz. Hodeidah, and the bombing of the positions of Yemeni forces and joint neighborhoods, and sources said that the militias received an Iranian missile shipment in Sanaa for use against the army forces.

The Yemeni army forces, backed by the Arab alliance, were able to take full control of the Malakal sector of the Hamak Front, west of Dalea province in central Yemen after heavy fighting against Al-Houthi militias in which a number of Houthis were killed and wounded, Prominent.

The sources said that the army was able to recover most of the sites that the militias infiltrated, and arrived in the area of ​​the occupation, and approached the Dhofar in eastern Ibb after the arrival of reinforcements of the army and was able to stop the operations of Houthi on the fronts of the north and west of Dali, and opened fronts towards the oud and Dhafar and Mount The fence, all areas of the province of Ibb.

The sources added that the army managed to kill and injure a number of Houthi elements. Eleven people were killed in the Palmakh sector. The commander of the Houthi campaign, Abu Hamdan, and four of his companions were also captured. Mountains of the fence and Val in the Directorate of poetry, after fortified by the elements of Huthi.

The fronts of the north of the Dalea and east of Ibb confront violent confrontations and mutual exchanges of heavy and medium weapons between the army forces supported by the alliance and the local resistance on the one hand, and the Houthi militias on the other, and the most concentrated on the fronts of Hamak,

In Hodeidah on the western coast of Yemen, the Houthi militias continued to bombard and target Yemeni military positions, residential neighborhoods, commercial interests in the city of Hodeidah and towns on the western coastline of Yemen. Militias also sent a number of reconnaissance aircraft, Which aims to undermine the international peace efforts in the city.

Local and field sources in Hodeidah confirmed that a march aircraft of the militias flew in the sky over the south of Hodeidah continuously. The Durahmi Directorate witnessed a military escalation on the ground by the Houthis, who intensified artillery shelling, machinegun fire and medium attacks on the positions of the joint forces and residential neighborhoods.

According to the sources, the militias bombed east of Drehami mortar and Hauser, resulted in the bombing of the death of a soldier, and wounding five others.

On the other hand, six members of al-Houthi militias were killed by a mine explosion planted by the militias, and exploded with one of its crews east of the Directorate of Hays south of Hodeidah while pushing new military reinforcements to the region, according to local sources, confirmed that the militias continued to push reinforcements, In Hodeidah truce announced after the Swedish consultations last December.

In Taiz, for the third day in a row, the army continued its military operations on the fronts of the Heifan district. The fighting centered around the mountains of Thiban and the nearby area overlooking the Khuzha market. The army retreats and escapes the army, leaving behind the bodies of their dead. On land in those areas.

Heavy fighting between the army and militias centered around the camp, after militias tried to advance towards the camp to recover it, but were met with fierce resistance from the army stationed at the camp.

In al-Bayda, local sources reported that the resistance fighters in the Zahir Front managed to release the new militia positions, the most important of which are the Hassan Plateau and the People of the Water near the Haykal Dam. The resistance managed to kill and injure a number of al-Houthi elements .

In the argument, the coalition fighters were able to destroy weapons and military vehicles for the militias in the Directorate of Mstabh, leaving behind the death of seven Huthis and wounding others, while another member of Houthi were killed yesterday during clashes with the Yemeni army forces in the Directorate of Baqam north-west of Saada province, Militias infiltrated the army positions in Jebel al-Jabbadi and the surrounding area.
In Sanaa, tensions escalated among the militias, reaching the level of direct targeting and assassination attempts, including the recent attempt on the part of the minister in the government of the unrecognized Huthi, Taha al-Mutawakil, and the arrest of the president of the so-called "tribal cohesion council" Hadramout Mohammed Belaid al-Kindi, and taken to the Criminal Investigation Prison in Sana'a.

Local sources pointed out that the militia elements have strengthened their security presence in the streets of Sana'a remarkably, while continuing to talk about disagreement and conflict in the wings of Houthi of the top leaders.
The sources revealed the arrival of pieces of Iranian missiles to Sanaa, through smuggling from the Yemeni coast, and was installed by Iranian experts, for use against Yemeni army forces.

- Six members of al-Huthi were killed by a landmine planted by the militias and exploded with one of their crews south of Hodeidah.