The Court of Appeals of Misdemeanors in the Ras Al Khaimah Court of Appeals yesterday accepted the appeal filed by a wife against her sentence of a fine of 3,000 dirhams for breaking the door of her husband's house. The Court of Appeal reduced the fine to 1,000 dirhams.

The wife denied to the judge to break the door of the house, explaining that it was broken before, and that the right to enter the marital home, as the divorce has not yet occurred.

She explained that she was ill and bleeding from being beaten and pregnant, and could not break or damage the door, as the door was damaged earlier.

The wife's lawyer went to the hospital to obtain a medical report stating that she was beaten and bleeding from pregnancy symptoms. After returning home, she was surprised to close the door. She broke him into the house to take her children, and the husband filed a case against her in the police accusing her of damaging the door.

The lawyer said that the charges against her client are malicious, because there are prior marital disputes and are confirmed in the personal status court, in addition to the case of divorce filed by the accused against the plaintiff, pointing to the disappearance of the elements of the crime because the door was broken before and that she went home to take her children because they are in custody. The lawyer paid the unreasonableness of the incident and the impossibility of conceiving it, because of the wife's illness and lack of tricks, and that she was trying to enter her house, as a legitimate right as she is still the wife of the plaintiff in the case, pointing out that the husband rejected many attempts of reconciliation between them, and insisted on the trial of the wife on the charge against her .