The mid-term elections in the United States once again confirmed the well-known fact: the country is split, and deeply, if you can say so about the split, firmly. Two very poorly compatible value systems continue to compete irreconcilably for the future. If in some ways these systems are in solidarity, it is only in the understanding that there will be a place in the future only for one of them.

On one side of the confrontation is the very “rusty” America of the former industrial centers and one-story hinterland, which she saw in Trump, perhaps the last chance to become great again. In a good approximation, its image of the future will be reduced to the restoration of patterns and relationships that prevailed three generations ago and, with great artistic persuasiveness, reproduced in the pages of the 11/22/63 novel, written ironically by one of Trump's greatest haters. The very patterns and relationships that provided industrial, financial, military, scientific and cultural domination in half the world and the accessibility of the then “American dream” to everyone who was able to at least manage their life more or less rationally.

On the other side ... These forces are difficult to describe shortly without detriment to the meaning, they are so diverse. Probably, this is the case of a lot of imaginable and inconceivable minorities that have ever been oppressed or see themselves as such, but now united by a thirst for privileges. The project of the future is a globalist corporatocracy in the spirit of those aborted by Trump during the very first days of the presidency of trans-oceanic partnerships. The ideal of social order is the construction on the entire planet (they will not agree to anything less, and there should be no illusions in this matter) of an earthly paradise modeled on the set of left-wing utopias of the last century, starting almost from Comrade Trotsky.

The values ​​of this side are radicalized every year. They have a great many faces, and even the few of them that initially did not look cannibal, diligently brought to the point of absurdity: tolerance, political correctness, feminism, black racism, positive discrimination, micro-aggression, harassment, etc. MeToo, crushing wrong historical figures and even monuments (books, it seems, have not yet burned), the culture of inescapable guilt and repentance, the daily censorship of thoughts, statements and beliefs ... You can continue almost indefinitely. And for a common denominator, perhaps, a militant - to messianic - cosmopolitan egalitarianism will come down.

Today, these two Americas, much like the Ukraine of the times of Yanukovich and earlier, are in a state of extremely unstable equilibrium.

To get a forecast for tomorrow, it is appropriate to look at the electoral preferences of the main categories of the population.

According to the Pew Research Center, on November 6, 54% of white voters voted for Republican candidates (including 60% of white men and 66% of white men with lower education than completed college). Democrats collected 59% of the votes of women of all races, 90% of the votes of black voters, 69% of the votes of Asians.

But of particular interest is the balance by age groups. Age 18-29 Democrats won with a score of 67:32, age 30-44 - with a score of 58:39, and only at older ages the minimum advantage goes to the Republicans. There is absolutely no surprise: the commanding heights in American media and universities are not the first year and are almost totally sat overwhelmed by aggressive supporters of globalist choice and leftist values, so it is natural that the vast majority of young people accept these values ​​as the only handshake.

In the future, therefore, the Democrats have a weighty advantage, and it will be all the more powerful the longer the prospect. The natural decline in the proportion of the white population, plus the Republicans lost young people, plus the endless stream of naturalized migrants, also voting for the Democrats.

However, in the short run — this is, of course, the election of 2020 — these advantages are far less obvious. The outcome of these elections will be decided not by an overwhelming arithmetic advantage, but by the quality of the game on both sides. And the first two years of Trump as a whole, quite convincingly show that once again he can mobilize his supporters right up to the very bottom, he will most likely be quite able to.

That is why the years left before the presidential election promise to be almost hotter for America. That is why it remains with all my heart to hope that the cold civil war in full swing will at least remain cold: if the largest nuclear power lights up, it will burn the whole world.