“For us, the idea of ​​collusion and Russia's influence on the elections in the United States was initially absurd. This caused and causes a smile from serious politicians. Nevertheless, we understand that this situation is an echo of the internal political struggle of the United States. As you know, Trump has a lot of opponents, and, given the current anti-Russian sentiment in the American media, this was used to put pressure on him, ”the MP said.

Nevertheless, according to Morozov, one should not expect that “the story will end there.”

“Yes, one of the senators admitted that there was no collusion. But ten more will say he was. So the situation will continue to be exaggerated, as long as there is a need for the goals of the domestic political struggle. Russia is not involved in this and is indifferent to the processes, ”he said.

Earlier, Trump said that the head of the Senate intelligence committee acknowledged the lack of collusion between the American leader and Russia.