“It is worth noting that in Paris, many want an independent course and alignment of foreign policy separately from Washington. In this regard, in France and a number of other states there are enough forces advocating the realization of their own national interests. Those political forces that reflect the interests of a nationally-oriented business also want greater freedom of action and are trying to protect the domestic market from the consequences of the termination of interactions with Russia in gas procurement, ”said Novikov.

According to the deputy, the consequences of anti-Russian sanctions are unprofitable for Europe and the population of European countries.

“It hits entire sectors of the economy. In this situation, there are many factors - economic interests, political position, European damage from the not always constructive policy of Washington. Over time, questions will start to appear among even more people and they will have their spokespersons in politics, ”he concluded.

Earlier, French Republicans in their program for elections to the European Parliament called for the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions.