“Neither Europe nor its American owners have ever been particularly concerned with reliable information. Moreover, those who give it, referring to specific documents, they still pursue. Therefore, today it is not necessary to say that the European Parliament is interested in any reliable information. They just find a new reason to announce sanctions for Russia. And until they are introduced against each of our citizens, they will not calm down, ”said Sherin.

According to the deputy, the resolution of the European Parliament has nothing to do with reality.

“Any country in its territory has more informational capabilities than any other state. But in Europe now there is a policy of double standards. So, the decision of the European Parliament is another lie in order to slander Russia and at least somehow justify its actions, which are dictated by overseas owners, ”he concluded.

Earlier, the European Parliament approved a resolution in which Russia is called “the main source of disinformation in Europe” and proposes a legal framework for the possible introduction of targeted sanctions.

In November, the EP presented recommendations for a resolution of 2016 on countering the Russian media, entitled “EU Strategic Communications as a counter to third-party propaganda.”

The document proposed to develop a regulatory framework to counter the "hybrid war" and "aggressive actions of Russia."