Al Jazeera Net - London

Human rights activists launched the name Khashoggi on the street where the Saudi embassy is located in London, in honor of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed at the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul a month ago on the occasion of the International Day of Impunity.

The correspondent of the island in London, Mina Harblo said that Amnesty International has suspended a banner named "Khashoggi Street", in a symbolic move to keep the case Khashoggi alive in the memory of the British and all who visit the area of ​​tourists, and to demand justice for the beauty and bring those involved in this case Which she brutally called for justice.

The organization issued a strongly worded statement to the international community in which it said that the credibility of the UN member states was at stake and demanded that they shoulder their responsibilities towards the Khashoggi case.

Rights activists on Friday raised banners calling for justice for the late Saudi journalist.

And the second to the British government that the journalists Khashoggi's colleagues will not waive the need to prosecute the perpetrators, and punish Saudi Arabia, which has a close relationship with the United Kingdom, and London must reconsider that relationship .

The activists changed the name of the street and raised a sign indicating that it was Khashoggi Street. They chose to organize the stop at the same time that Khashoggi entered his consulate in Istanbul before October 2 and then disappeared inside before the news of his assassination was confirmed. The fate of the dead journalist is unknown.

The sign in front of the Saudi Embassy in London (social networking sites)

Denouncing and demanding
In an interview with Al Jazeera Net, Giyath Al-Jundi, campaign leader in Amnesty, said that they demonstrated in front of the Saudi Embassy in London in conjunction with the International Day of Impunity to denounce the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. They changed the name of the Saudi Embassy Street to Jamal Khashoggi Street.

He added that they are continuing their activities to hold accountable Saudi officials who ordered the execution of Khashoggi and the executioners, and to ask the United Kingdom to reassess its relationship with Saudi Arabia because human rights are deteriorating and that activists and activists are detained in Saudi Arabia according to the activist, in addition to the war in Yemen which is getting worse, Demanding that they stop exporting arms to Saudi Arabia and review relations with them.

A number of activists took part in the stand, stressing their intention to continue their campaigns until the truth is reached in the case of their late colleague, in addition to holding those involved in the heinous crime at his consulate in Istanbul.