The diplomat recalled that "a few days ago a publication appeared in the French press that during a meeting with journalists," which was held behind closed doors, Macron "allowed himself very specific statements" both in relation to the Russian media and internal political events. France.

"In particular, according to this publication, representatives of the" yellow vests "who appear in the media, he called, sorry for this quote," assholes "... He again accused the Russian media, in particular RT and Sputnik, that they are propagandists "She said.

As Zakharova pointed out, “according to the first analysis,” we are not talking about fake publishing.

“Still, the publication is real. But in order to ascertain whether he spoke these words and how accurately he quoted the publication of the French president, today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent an official diplomatic note to the French Embassy in Moscow with a request to clarify the official position of Paris on this issue. Did such statements take place and what are they connected with, what exactly is meant and whether this publication can be viewed with quotes from the words of the President of France as the official position of the state, ”she said.

Earlier, Zakharova, commenting on this publication, noted that if this material "conveys everything accurately," then Macron is "the main French producer of fake news."