They are friends, brothers, sisters, parents, or even children of the victims. The serious face, the fear in the stomach, the relatives of people wounded in the Strasbourg bombing succeeded each other Wednesday at the University Hospital of Hautepierre, where most of them are treated.

Kamal, "he was a very good person." In the lobby, two women burst into tears. One of their relatives, Kamal, an Afghan national hit in the head Tuesday night, is in a state of brain death. "It's a person who was loved, a very good person," says Massy, ​​his neighbor. The man admits to feeling "disgust". "We can not feel anything else."

>> LIVE - Attack in Strasbourg: follow the latest information here

Passing by the bedside of the victims, the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn welcomed in the afternoon the work of the emergency doctors, in particular that of Dr. Pascal Bilbault, in charge of Samu. At the microphone of Europe 1, the latter details the profile of the wounded: "They are between 20 and 65. It is about healthy people who were walking" near the Christmas Market.

>> READ OUT - Strasbourg attack: who are the victims?

For some, "the future is played out day by day". "Some victims have had minor injuries, have been treated and have returned home, others will return in a short time and still others are still in intensive care for them, the future is played out in the day the day, "says the doctor, who says he has never seen so many injuries shot at the same time. And Pascal Bilbault thank his teams, who mobilized themselves spontaneously, returning to the hospital as soon as they heard about the attack on Tuesday night.