Ahmed Fadl-Khartoum

A new party has announced the withdrawal from Sudan's national reconciliation government to deflect protests on the street for more than a month, while the Popular Congress party has also voted to withdraw if authorities continue to shed the blood of the protesters.

In a press conference at his headquarters in Omdurman, the Umma Party announced a partnership with the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), the majority ruling party, and confirmed its bias towards the street before President Omar al-Bashir demanded an immediate withdrawal and the formation of an agreed interim government.

According to the party, all of its deputies in the government will submit their resignations immediately, to work together with the forces calling for change.

The UMP is one of five dissident parties of the National Umma Party led by Sadiq al-Mahdi, all of whom have participated in the NCP.

Earlier this month, the Umma Party led by Mubarak al-Fadil announced the withdrawal from the government, as well as the withdrawal of the Front for Change, led by the "Reform Now" movement headed by Ghazi Salah al-Din al-Atabani.

Since December 19, Sudan has witnessed a wave of protests, the largest since Bashir took power in a military coup in June 1989.

"Popular" threatens
In a related context, the Popular Congress Party stepped up its refusal to deal with the security authorities with the protests.

The Secretariat of Justice, Human Rights and Rights issued a statement on Sunday calling for the convening of an emergency meeting of the leadership of the People's Assembly in order to assess the commitment of the ruling authority to enforce the outputs of the national dialogue.

And threatened that in the event of failure to respond to several demands, the membership of the People's Congress must be incited to engage regularly in demonstrations and docking with the rest of the people to bring about change in the reality of the country, rather than the position of the current party, which leaves the option of participation.

The Secretariat requested that the right to freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful demonstration and the launching of processions be ensured, with the protection, security, non-repression and use of force against demonstrators only in accordance with the law.

And renewed its call for the formation of an independent commission to investigate the killings and injuries, and hold those involved and the release of detainees.

Constitution and Elections
The Justice, Human Rights and Human Rights Secretariat proposed no amendment to the Constitution at present, withdrawal of the recent constitutional amendments from Parliament and an urgent review of the electoral law.

She stressed in her statement that the National Commission for Human Rights should be dissolved and reconstituted by political consensus.

The newspaper "Al-Jarida" on Sunday quoted MP Hassan Dakin that the Director of the Security and Intelligence Salah Qosh and the director of police forces, Tayeb Babeker will be within 48 hours before the Committee on Legislation, Justice and Human Rights in parliament, for questioning on the use of excessive force against protesters and to see the conditions of detainees .

Government authorities have killed 31 people during the second month of protests, while human rights groups and opposition forces say 51 people have been killed.