The people of Al-Warraq Island, located inside the Nile River north of Giza Governorate, prevented the Egyptian security forces from removing the island's known corpse known as "Sunni infestation" in preparation for the operation of the army's statement to complete the siege on them.

The Council of the families of Al-Warraq island on Tuesday called on all the people of the island to rally and to prevent a major security campaign that wants to stop the "Sunni infidels" and to operate the new military gateway.

The islanders succeeded in forcing the security forces to withdraw, which some saw as a new victory for the people.

For his part, the Chairman of the General Authority for River Transport Major General Yasser Ghoneim tour of the island, said that the clearance anchorage anchorage island of Alorak to operate a new facility is a service to the people of the island of Alorak, and that the new infestation will link between Shubra and Qalioubia and Al Jazeera.

Ignore the issue
Local newspapers ignored the protests of the people of the island, and said that the new infectious works on anchors designed at three levels to fit the decline in water level, and designed by the engineering department of the armed forces in the belief of the state to alleviate the suffering of citizens and provide amenities and safety in densely populated places.

According to the Egyptian press, the work was carried out on the navigational route between Al Warraq Island, Giza Governorate and Shubra Damanhour Division in Qalioubia Governorate, to provide a new and highly efficient gateway containing security and safety.

Cabinet spokesman Nader Saad outlined three options the government has set for the people of Al-Warraq Island, which are resettled on the island again after being developed and built to meet international standards, move to one of the new cities or get paid for the sale of their homes or land.

While the family council of the island appealed to anyone who has a house or a plot of land, and any tenant of a residential apartment or a commercial store, to go to the real estate month to work for defense cases to participate in the collective appeal filed by the defense against the Prime Minister's recent decision on expropriation.

Government seeks to sell land to foreign investors

Procrastination of housing
The United Nations' right to housing decision, Lailani Farahha, has confirmed that what she called "housing foreclosure" has become a matter of general concern in Egypt. This phenomenon may become worse with the government's recent intentions to market Egypt's property as an export product by attracting foreign investors To the country.

Lailani said in her final statement on her last visit to Egypt from September 24 to October 3 that there was concern expressed by a number of residents of the island of Al-Warraq, whom she was able to meet, to be displaced from their homes for investment projects.

"Although I have not been able to visit the island, I have received direct accounts from the population about the evictions that took place there," she said. "Residents spoke of their fear of displacement, despite their historical links to the land and in many cases have ownership records."

"I was particularly alarmed when I heard about the forced evictions on 16 July 2017 that resulted in the death of a resident and the criminal charges against a group of residents who refused to sell their land to the government," she said.