Israeli occupation forces raided dozens of Palestinian houses and shops in Tulkarm and attacked students on their way back from their schools in the south of Nablus and Bethlehem. The Interior Minister and the Interior Minister said that the Israeli occupation forces demolished 20 Palestinian shops on the main street of Shu'fat refugee camp in occupied Jerusalem. «Israel is approaching the reoccupation of Gaza, and fight a war against the sector», at a time when a delegation from Hamas to Cairo, to discuss efforts to calm and reconciliation.

Demolition in Jerusalem

Israeli occupying forces stormed the Shu'fat refugee camp in occupied East Jerusalem on Thursday, following an order by the Jerusalem municipality to demolish 20 Palestinian shops on the main street of the camp, under the pretext of unauthorized construction.

The bulldozers demolished the shops, after the municipality suspended notices that the demolition would take place within 12 hours of receipt of the notification, and ordered them to unload the goods. Otherwise, workers from the Israeli municipality would unload and force the shop owners to pay the costs.

Shu'fat is the only camp in occupied East Jerusalem, separated from the rest of the city by the separation wall, and some 24,000 Palestinians live there.

"The shops were built in 2007, and the demolition was carried out by the municipality of the occupation on the camp to impose its sovereignty and resolve the refugee issue, especially after the announcement by US President Donald Trump to stop his country's contribution to UNRWA," said the Coordinator of Popular Committee Relations in Shu'fat Camp. .

"The occupation police besieged the camp and deployed about 500 of its members, as a muscle show, although it usually refrains from entering the camp, fearing clashes."

The occupation forces deployed on rooftops, on roads, closed the entrance and exit of the camp, prevented people from entering and leaving the area. Police helicopters hovered over the camp during the demolition. Clashes erupted between police and youths throwing stones at them.

Attacks and intrusions

A number of students of eastern milk were injured yesterday when Israeli forces fired tear gas at them as they were returning from their school south of Nablus.

Israeli soldiers chased the students as they were leaving their school and detained a number of them, under the pretext of throwing stones at settler vehicles. The Israeli occupation forces also attacked the students of al-Khader schools, south of Bethlehem, by firing bullets, gas and sound bombs, and a security source said that the Israeli occupation forces fired at the students as they left school after firing the bullets and gas and sound bombs. In the hill area.

The Israeli occupation forces blew up the doors of dozens of Palestinian houses and shops in the town of Deir al-Ghosoun north of Tulkarm, amid heavy gunfire and tear gas.

Residents of the town told the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) that more than 50 houses, in addition to a number of shops, commercial establishments and agricultural land, were raided and searched by Israeli soldiers while distributing leaflets to citizens warning them not to help the pursuers. Ashraf Na'alwa, who is accused by Israel of shooting in the industrial area «volcano» near Salfit, on the seventh of last October.

Israeli occupation bulldozers demolished an agricultural house and stone chains in the area of ​​the "mortars" belonging to the lands of Duma south of Nablus.

Israeli occupying forces also raided and searched a number of Palestinian houses in Nablus, including 'Athena, al-Samu` and al-Fadriya. They also erected temporary checkpoints at the entrances to towns and refugee camps.

Developments in Gaza

On the other hand, the Minister of Internal Security for the occupation, Gilad Arad, said that "Israel is approaching - more than ever before - the reoccupation of the Gaza Strip," as the Minister of Transportation, Israel Katz, told the Jerusalem Post, That «Israel is close to a war against the Gaza Strip».

"We are close to an irreplaceable war, we have to restore our eroded deterrence capability," he said.

A Hamas delegation headed to Egypt on the first visit in three months to discuss the latest developments in the Gaza Strip, the file of the ceasefire agreement with the Israeli occupation, and the file of Palestinian reconciliation.

The last visit of a delegation of Hamas to Egypt in mid-August, while an Egyptian security delegation conducted weekly visits to the Gaza Strip.

Last week, Cairo brokered a new cease-fire agreement between the Palestinian factions, led by Hamas and Israel, to end the three-day tension that led to the deaths of 14 Palestinians and an Israeli officer. The Egyptian delegation visited Gaza in recent weeks against the backdrop of tension on the border with the occupation , And the march of return, which killed 223 Palestinians, since last March.

• A delegation from Hamas in Cairo to discuss the calm in Gaza and the file of reconciliation.