Yesterday, the Israeli army announced the re-examination of security for all Palestinian workers in the settlements in the occupied West Bank, which prevented thousands of workers from reaching their jobs.

According to the radio of the occupation army, it was decided to re-examine all workers who have permits, pointing out that the security measures will be increased more than it is, and was prevented about 3300 Palestinian workers from entering the industrial settlement "Barkan", west of Salfit, The fire, which took place yesterday, killed two Israelis and wounded a third.

The occupation forces reinforced their military actions against Salfit in the northern West Bank and conducted extensive searches of the person who claimed to have carried out an operation, named Ashraf Na'alwa, and arrested his sister Fayrouz, and took measurements of the family house in preparation for its demolition.

The Israeli occupation forces launched a search operation on Tulkarem. The village was besieged, searched several houses and interrogated its residents on the ground. Also, 19 Palestinians from the West Bank were attacked and arrested.

The Israeli occupation forces stormed the town of Kafel Haris north of Salfit in the northern West Bank.

Local sources said that dozens of Israeli soldiers stormed the town and closed several roads and entrances and prevented citizens from moving in order to protect the settlers, who used to break into the Islamic sanctuaries in them.

For its part, said the prisoners' affairs of the Palestine Liberation Organization, in a statement, that the Israeli occupation army began to implement a series of collective punishment against Palestinian citizens, following the shooting yesterday.

The Commission explained that Israel from the first moment to carry out the operation began with threats and intimidation, forgetting the daily crimes committed against the Palestinian people, especially the field executions that the Israeli soldiers have implemented in accordance with their decisions and personal assessments.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) condemned the targeting of Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli occupation forces and the devastating effects of human losses and physical injuries on individuals and families.

In a statement, the agency stressed the necessity of exerting efforts to provide more effective protection to the victims of this tragic situation, noting in this regard the deaths of seven Palestinians in the recent violence in Gaza, including two children, one of whom was a student in UNRWA schools.

This brings the total number of UNRWA students who have been killed since March 30 to 13, while many of those enrolled in UNRWA schools were injured in the demonstrations.

In the period from 31 March to 30 September, 22 UNRWA health centers throughout the Gaza Strip treated 4104 people who were injured in the protests, including more than 770 children, confirming that the majority of 86% of these cases were injuries Firework, often lead to physical harm.

The latest violence has increased the suffering of the Palestinian refugees who suffered from the occupation, warning that Gaza is going through a very difficult period, and continues to deteriorate living conditions, and the hopes of the population of two million, 70% of them refugees.

«UNRWA»: 770 children injured in the protests in Gaza since March.