Israeli occupation forces stormed Al-Quds University in the town of Abu Dis, southeast of Jerusalem, and broke down its doors and contents. They raided several colleges and offices in the university. They also chased students in a school in southern Nablus and fired tear gas at the students.

The Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) quoted sources at the University of Jerusalem, saying that the occupation forces searched the headquarters of the student blocs inside the university campus, and captured the recordings of surveillance cameras.

The town of Abu Dis witnessed the evening of the day before yesterday, violent confrontations during which the Israeli occupation forces fired dozens of sound bombs and incendiary gas, rubber bullets and rubber bullets at the young people who tried to address them.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), medical staff treated 17 Palestinian citizens who were suffocated by inhaling tear gas and were treated on the ground by medical teams in the town.

Yesterday, the Israeli occupation forces arrested Ali Iyad Walid Daraghmeh, 17, from the village of Al-Lubban, east of Nablus, after the students of Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya Secondary School, located on Ramallah Street, attacked the president and attacked them with gas and sound bombs. Also fired sound bombs at the homes of Palestinian citizens Issam Aweys and Samir Aweys, causing physical damage.

The Israeli occupation forces arrested seven Palestinians from different parts of the West Bank, from Jenin, Ramallah and East Jerusalem, and demolished bulldozers belonging to the municipality of Jerusalem in the occupied Jerusalem, yesterday, as a garage in a house in the neighborhood of Beit Hanina north of occupied Jerusalem; Military checkpoint around the place, before and during the demolition.

Politically, Palestinian delegate to the United Nations Riyad Mansour announced the imminent completion of an official memorandum protesting the threats of the occupation of the person of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to assassinate him and also to protest the storming of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and the attack on Palestinian national institutions, To the President of the Security Council, and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the General Assembly.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the escalation of attacks and attacks by the Israeli occupation forces and settlers against Palestinian citizens in the recent period, and pointed out in a statement yesterday, to the escalation of attacks and attacks carried out by settlement groups against Palestinian citizens in cities, villages, towns and camps and on main roads, The latest of which was the throwing of stones at Palestinian civilian vehicles east of Ramallah, the looting of Palestinian vehicles and a line of racist slogans in the village of Beitin, east of Ramallah, and the public calls to expel Palestinian blood, and the explicit incitement to kill President Abbas.

The ministry pointed out that «the settlers' open war against the Palestinian people, is accompanied by statements and positions that are racing to launch the pillars of the right-wing in Israel, headed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who boasted of the support of the settlement and protection and work to increase, and successive invasions of the cities of Ramallah and Al-Bireh Provocative occupation forces near the house of the Palestinian president ».

The ministry called on the international community, particularly the UN Security Council, to deal with the manifestations of this aggressive plan and call upon it to shoulder its legal and moral responsibilities towards the Palestinian people and the violations and crimes it is subjected to.

• A Palestinian memorandum of the United Nations to protest the threats of the assassination of «Abbas».