NATO will seek nuclear disarmament around the world. This was stated by the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg. At the same time, he noted that the NATO countries will not get rid of weapons themselves as long as Russia and China have them.

“The goal of NATO is a world without nuclear weapons. But the world will not become safer if NATO gets rid of its nuclear weapons, while Russia, China and other countries will maintain or increase their nuclear arsenals, ”he said in an interview with the Berliner Morgenpost.

In addition, Stoltenberg called on the European states in whose territory American nuclear weapons are located - Germany, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, the Netherlands - to develop their participation in nuclear missions.

“This division of nuclear responsibility is important for NATO,” Stoltenberg stressed. “And I urge as many alliance partners, including Germany, to participate in this division.”

An ultimatum is hiding behind the peacekeeping statement of the NATO secretary general, said in a conversation with RT the head of the political science and sociology department of the PRUE named after Plekhanov, military political analyst Andrei Koshkin.

“Probably, Stoltenberg is sincere. But not so much in his statements, as in the commitment of Anglo-Saxon diplomacy and the culture of negotiation. When you listen to him, he seems to be the white dove of peace, which offers various projects mainly towards Russia, now including China. But only so that we unilaterally carry out any instructions, ”the expert noted.

According to the director of the International Institute of the Newest States, Aleksey Martynov, Stoltenberg’s statements about striving for nuclear disarmament do not inspire confidence, since the alliance had already come forward with peacemaking initiatives and promised not to expand eastward.

“As a result, now NATO is approaching our borders. For the past few years, we have been seeing NATO’s hyperactivity in the post-Soviet space, which cannot but worry us, ”he said in a conversation with RT.

At the same time, an attempt to shift responsibility onto Russia was also in the case of the Treaty on the Elimination of Medium and Short Range Missiles, recalled Koshkin.

“The same thing happened with the INF. The United States unilaterally withdrew from the treaty, shifting all the blame to Russia. So I am deeply convinced that this rhetoric and statements of this kind will be repeated. NATO is trying to whitewash itself, ”the expert added.

Recall that in October 2018, US President Donald Trump accused Russia of not complying with the INF Treaty and announced his withdrawal from the treaty if Moscow does not “return” to its execution. The Russian side has repeatedly proposed to start a dialogue on existing contradictions. Thus, on January 15 and 23, the characteristics of Russian missiles, which, according to Washington, allegedly violate the INF.

However, in the first case, the American side rejected the arguments of the representatives of Russia, and in the second case, it completely ignored the briefing organized by the Russian Defense Ministry. Washington announced the suspension from February 2 of the treaty and the beginning of the development of previously banned missiles. Moscow on the same day reported a mirror response.

“All our proposals, as before, remain in this sphere on the table, the doors for negotiations are open. At the same time, I ask both departments (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense. - RT ) not to initiate any negotiations on this issue from now on. We will wait until our partners mature in order to conduct an equal and meaningful dialogue with us on this important topic both for us and for our partners, and for the whole world, ”said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“There should be no hasty decisions”

Note that only in Germany there are allegedly about 20 American B61 nuclear bombs. For their transportation, the Panavia Tornado fighter-bomber, developed in the early 1970s, is used. It is also operated in the UK and Italy. However, in Germany, it is planned to remove it from service by 2025, according to the Berliner Morgenpost.

In Germany, the question of replacing the fighter, which would also be certified by the United States, is being discussed. Wolfgang Helmich, head of the parliamentary defense committee and member of the German Social Democratic Party, said that the issue of a new fighter should be carefully considered.

In turn, the deputy chairman of the SPD, Rolf Mutzenich, in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung, noted that the replacement of the Panavia Tornado fighters should be considered "in the context of the arms race and the disputes between NATO and Russia."

“In view of the predictable cessation of the INFMT and the re-launch of nuclear threats and nuclear warfare strategies, there should be no hasty decisions,” he said.

At the same time, the US is demanding that Germany increase its weapons costs now. Thus, the American ambassador to Germany Richard Grennel said that Berlin needs to spend more because of the "threat" from Russia.

“There are not enough promises from Germany to raise the defense budget to 1.5% (of GDP. - RT ). NATO demands 2% by 2024, Grenella quotes Welt am Sonntag. “Russia is on our doorstep, everyone should be clear that NATO needs to be strengthened now.”