Excerpts from the application are published on the website of the publication.

"I told him (Trump - RT ) that although the phrase" fake news "is untrue and harmful, I am much more concerned that he calls journalists enemies of the people," he said.

According to Sulzberger, such "provocative statements" can contribute to the growth of threats against media workers and lead to violence, since such rhetoric can also serve as an excuse for "persecuting journalists" in other countries.

According to him, such a position "jeopardizes the democratic ideals of the United States."

July 29 Trump in his Twitter reported on a "very interesting meeting" with Sulzberger, during which, according to the president, the parties discussed, among other things, the problem of spreading so-called fake news.

Earlier it was reported that the interview of CNN's adviser on national security of John Bolton was canceled because the TV channel expressed disrespect to the American leader.

Expert Yuri Rogulyov commented on the conflict between Trump and the television channel in an interview with the NSC.