The New York Times predicted that next year will be a year of confrontation between the populist movement that flourished in the world and the values ​​of cooperation, tolerance, honesty and human dignity.

In an article by the editor of the journal, Sergey Szczemane, she pointed out that if each action had an equal reaction to force and reversed it in accordance with Newton's laws of physics, the battle against populism would soon begin, because what is true in physics is true in life as well.

The values ​​of respect and dignity are at the heart of good governance and fair society. The year 2018 has shown evidence of growing reactions to the cynicism, lies and hypocrisy of leaders, and their systematic inflaming of feelings of fear, hatred and discrimination in order to exaggerate their powers.

He pointed out that the disgust at the distinction between family members of refugees and migrants, the widespread activity against sexual misconduct represented by the MeiT movement, the protests against technical giants about privacy and their promotion of propaganda networks, information fabrication and news fraud, as well as the results of the midterm elections in the United States And others promise that the world's most venerable majority is trying to get the world out of the despair that it seems to have been drowning in so far.