Christian Estrosi, Mayor LR of Nice, will ask the State to provide him, in application of a circular of the Ministry of the Interior of 13 November, the list of files S of his commune, the day after a deadly attack in Strasbourg. "I will clearly ask the prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes to kindly give me the list of S files who reside on the territory of the commune.There is a circular that tells the prefects to kindly inform the mayors. I did not manage to get it, but given the circumstances, and considering the resumé of the gentleman, the barbarian who struck again, you will understand that I wish that the circular of November 13 is applied ", a said Wednesday the elected at a point with the press.

"Monitor the individuals in question". Tuesday evening, Chérif C., a 29-year-old Strasbourg resident, stuck in the heart of Strasbourg's historic "S" for his Islamic radicalization, opened fire, killing two people, injuring one brain-dead person and injuring 12 others. The Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner signed on November 13 a circular allowing mayors to be informed of the risks of Islamist radicalization on their municipalities, promise made in May by Emmanuel Macron during the Congress of Mayors of France. The decision was welcomed by Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice where the attack of July 14, 2016 had made 86 dead.

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According to Christian Estrosi, this will make it possible "to be able to follow, thanks to the facial recognition software of which our urban supervision center is equipped, all the comings and goings, in the public transport, in the arteries, in the public places, of the individuals in question ", provided, said Wednesday the elected Nice, to obtain permission from the State.