The Joint Yemeni Resistance Forces continued to liberate the city of Hodeidah, clearing the Red Sea Mills, while the army continued its advance in Hajjah, south of Taiz and north of Dali, amid a state of collapse and retreat of militia elements.

For its part, warned the forces of the Giants, participating in the liberation of Hodeidah on the west coast, the Iranian Huthi militias to harm the residents of the city or their property.

In a statement, Emirates Al-Youm said that the Joint Resistance Forces had completed the clearing of Al-Khamis Street, secured the Ahwan Thabit Commercial Complex and Yamani factory, the Qasr Hotel, the Tihama and Red Sea Flour Mills Development Project, And a number of neighborhoods close to the eastern and southern sides of the city of Hodeidah, pointing out that the hours and the next few days will be crucial for the battle to liberate the rest of the city and the port, because progress is going fast and unpredictable as a result of the collapse of militia elements.

13 civilians, including children, were killed and wounded in Hodeidah by members of the militias who shelled the Salkhana district of the current Directorate of Artillery. Three children were killed and the mother was injured. Two people were killed and three others were injured by the direct shelling of militias. In the «Kilo 4», and caused a mortar shell Houthi fired on a farm in the village of Mkimna «Kilo 16», the death and wounding of three children and an 18-year-old girl, all from one family.

In the meantime, field sources confirmed the killing of Houthi leader Abu Bakr al-Shami, inside a neighborhood of the city, as the leader of Huthi, commander of the air defense battalion of the brigade, "27 Mika", Colonel Mohammed Ali Hussein Al-Aqab, was killed along with a number of his companions, including Hassan Ali Ajlan al-Nu'mi , Mohammed al-Hattar, Tariq Muhammad Saleh al-Hitar, Busif al-Hitar and Abu Hilal al-Hitar.

The joint resistance forces were able to cordon off the city of Hodeidah from the east, and the siege of armed groups of militias in a number of areas, including the siege of dozens of snipers of militias who occupy the rooftops, in the city of Saleh and the city of Issa and the Yemeni company for food products.

On the other hand, a weapons store belonging to the militias exploded in the vicinity of the city of Hodeidah, which led to the burning of all the contents of the store without knowing the reasons.

For its part, warned the forces of the Yemeni giants, participating in the liberation of the city and the port of Hodeidah, the Iranian Huthi militias to harm the residents of the city and their property, and tampering with the interests and public utilities. The official spokesman of the brigades of the Giants to «Emirates Today»: «Militias began targeting civilians and residents of Hodeidah , On the impact of defeats in all axes and fronts, and we warn them against any targeting of civilians and their facilities and property, as well as any tampering with the institutions and public interests of the state ».

He added: "We warn all those who have the same militia to target civilians in the city of Hodeidah, and tell them that the consequences will be dire for all those who tried to violate the sanctity of citizens and civilians, children, women and the elderly, and warn of being concentrated in the residential and civilian neighborhoods that has become a legitimate target To the joint resistance forces, and he has to surrender himself ».

In Hajjah, the army captured 12 members of the Iranian militia, including two wounded, in the fierce battles that took place in the district of Hiran and the neighboring areas, in which the army managed to liberate the black buses east of the Hiran Directorate, and cut the asphalt line, , And to inflict heavy losses on the ranks of the militias.

In Taiz, the army, represented by the 35-strong Armored Brigade, was able to take control of Jabal al-Maqtara, Jebel Dhiban and Maashir. Nariya controls the Khuzja market in the southern Hifan front, and the confrontations reached the Abu Dhabi area. Khajja amid the escape of elements of militias that left weapons seized by the army.

In Dali, clashes continued in the north of Dimit, the last stronghold of the militias, after bringing in elements from Ibb and Dhamar, in an attempt to regain them from the hands of the army. The coalition fighters launched qualitative raids targeting a military convoy of militias, including tanks that were coming from Ibb through the Directorate of Sada towards , Which led to the destruction of a number of them, and the army had liberated the city of Dimt old completely, and continued to advance towards the northern areas of the city.

In Al-Bayda, fighting continued in the Directorate of Al-Maljam between the army and militias, during which the army was able to liberate Jabal al-Mughza, which is located after Jebel Deir, the direction towards the Bani Bani Wahab of the Al-Sawadiyah Directorate.

According to field sources, noting that the 7th Brigade was a border guard that managed to advance and control the Jabal al-Azhour, Mutaq Luqman, Watta al-Tahara, and the village of al-Thaher. , After battles left dead and wounded among the militias, while targeting military reinforcements belonging to the militias in the vicinity of the market of Al Ali, the same Directorate, was on its way to the site of the petition.

In Ibb, militia elements stormed the University of Ibb and kidnapped a number of students, on the back of a report that there were movements among the youth of the university to lead a popular uprising against the militias and expelled from the province.

- The joint resistance forces managed to encircle the city of Hodeidah to the east and besieged the militia.