The Yemeni resistance forces, led by the brigades of the Giants, managed to penetrate the maritime route, the western port of the city and the strategic port of Hodeidah. They advanced to Hodeidah University and controlled the Medical College. The Arab Coalition confirmed that the qualitative operation that was carried out yesterday, Al-Houthi coup for ballistic missiles and drones and the supporting parts of these systems.

In detail, a military source said that the Yemeni forces shared control of the Faculty of Medicine, and arrived at the western walls of the University of Hodeidah on the "Corniche line" west of the city, amid fierce fighting with the Houthi terrorist organizations.

Brigadier Tariq Saleh, a spokesman for the National Resistance led by the son of the late president's brother Brigadier General Tariq Saleh, said in a brief press release that the liberation of Hodeidah was started by the Yemeni joint resistance.

He added: «assigned to the brigades of joint resistance the process of liberating the city of Hodeidah».

A military source said earlier in the day that fierce fighting continues towards the home of the late President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the most important military positions of the militias after the University of Hodeidah directly, overlooking the main sea line.

He pointed out that direct battles involving Apache helicopters, continue after the area of ​​«Kil 10» and even the town «Kilo 16», during which the militias to burn tires and containers of smoke to block the vision, after more than 23 raids on the barracks of the Houthis, The fall of dozens of militias among the dead and wounded.

Local residents living in the districts of the current Directorate of the city that the militias Houthi stepped up shelling indiscriminate shelling of the center of the city.

The militias deployed heavy artillery in the July 7 neighborhood, the vicinity of the 22 May Hospital and east of al-Rabsa neighborhood, in an attempt to impede the advance of legitimate forces east and south-west of the city.

The coalition aircraft launched more than 30 air strikes in the vicinity of Kilo 16 to the Arc de Triomphe, southeast of the city of Hodeidah.

The raids, according to field sources, killed and wounded in the ranks of the rebels.

On the other hand, a civilian was killed and four others were injured, including two children, following the fall of shells fired by the Houthis on residential neighborhoods, southwest of the Directorate of Tahita south of the province of Hodeidah.

Local and medical sources said that the shells fired by the Houthis on a residential neighborhood, killing one person and wounding his brother, and wounding two sisters from another family.

Field sources confirmed that the resistance forces, which have mobilized over 30 thousand troops in the border of Hodeidah, have managed to control the neighborhoods around Hodeidah University and the coastal road leading to its western gate amidst a state of collapse and retreat in the ranks of the militias. Strikes of resistance and Arab alliance.

In Sanaa, the Joint Forces Command of the Alliance for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen announced yesterday, the destruction of ballistic missile launching sites and drones at the airbase at Dili Air in Sana'a.

A spokesman for the Arab coalition forces, Colonel Turki al-Maliki, said that the target of legitimate military targets at the air base in Sanaa.

He explained that «the operation included the destruction of sites for the launch and storage of ballistic missiles and ground control stations for unmanned aircraft, and the workshops of booby-traps and assembly, and sites supporting them at the air base in Dalymi».

Maliki said that «the targeting process came after a precise intelligence operation to monitor the activities of the Houthi terrorist militias loyal to Iran to destroy and neutralize such capabilities, which threaten regional and international security».

Colonel al-Maliki said "the continuation of the work of Sanaa International Airport to the movement of air navigation of the United Nations aircraft and relief, after taking all preventive measures to the process of targeting."

He added that «the targeting process was carried out in accordance with international humanitarian law and customary rules, as well as rules of engagement to lead the joint forces of the coalition».

This comes after the killing of four rocket launchers and funding for the Iranian Houthi militias in the northern province of Saada, a raid by the coalition to support the legitimacy, on Thursday.

Military sources revealed that the four dead were Hassan Abdullah Rasa, Saleh Shati and Ali Hassan al-Ajri and two pirate.

The raid targeted a meeting of leaders in the Dahyan district of Saada province, the main stronghold of the rebel militias in Yemen.

The city of Saada, along with other Yemeni areas, including Sanaa, remains under the control of the rebel militias, which turned against the legitimate government in Yemen four years ago.

Also in Saada, Yemeni army forces are expanding their siege of the Houthi militia stronghold in the Maran area west of Saada province, amid fierce battles in which the army is making rapid progress.

The commander of the third brigade Araba, Brigadier Abdul Karim al-Sudai, that the militias of Huthi in Maran became completely besieged, after the army incursion in all areas and valleys of several directions.

He explained that only one supply line remained for the militias after the army took control of more than six strategic lines that the militia had taken as important main lines to reinforce its elements in the front.

Brigadier al-Saadi denied reports that the Houthi militia leader had managed to escape from the Maran area, saying he was still trapped there.

He also stressed that the militias are pushing hundreds of elements to retrieve any of the sites liberated by the army in the region, but all these attempts to fail, the last of which was two days ago, where all elements of the militia were eliminated in that attempt.

The commander of the third brigade praised the role of Arabs and tribes and leaders of Saada province, pointing out that the morale of the heroes of the army is high, and they are in full readiness to implement the directives of the political and military leadership.

In Al-Jawf, the army continued its advance in the Mantoun and Bartan al-Anan districts, after launching surprise operations on militia positions on those fronts, especially the Matun Front, which led to the recent fighting between troops and militias near the government compound of the Directorate.

In Marib, the security forces of the legitimacy of the prevention of the smuggling of nine million Saudi riyals towards the areas of militias in the capital, accompanied by a smuggling cell belonging to the elements of Houthi were arrested and handed over to the competent authorities to investigate.

In al-Bayda, the army regained control of a number of positions in the strategic highlands of the al-Bilajah mortar brigade.

Field sources said that the army fighters liberated the mountains of Tirean and the senior and the monastery and the people of Bahaas in the area of ​​a scandal in the mines. The sources said that the army launched a large-scale attack on those areas that have been restored, which were controlled by the coup militias. The sources confirmed that the forces of the National Army continue to advance towards the junction of Aala in the area of ​​a scandal. At the same time, the Army of the National Army has been positioning the positions of the Houthi militias in the back of El Bayad, Mafraq and Aala.

According to sources, the Houthi militias suffered dozens of deaths and injuries among their fighters.

In the meantime, air fighters of the Arab Alliance targeted a number of raids and reinforcements for militias were on the way to strengthen the ranks of their fighters.

The raids also resulted in the destruction of entire militia reinforcements, including a BMB vehicle and a number of combat crews, in addition to the death of all elements, the sources said.